Day archives: September 26th, 2024

When Should Presenters Apologize?

Referencing decades of experience as a presenter and an attendee at presentations, Jerry Lawson cautions us not to begin a presentation with an apology, which can be compelled by a tech glitch or some other reason not within your control. Lawson states that the habit of beginning with an apology is so old that it has a name in Medieval rhetoric, the captatiobenevolentiae, meaning an attempt to capture the audience’s goodwill. Most importantly, It doesn’t work. Lawson presents a range of scenarios for which an apology or no apology, are appropriate. His lesson applies to far more than presentations, as these reactions are common in a work environment where they may indeed not serve your objectives.

Subjects: Communication Skills, Continuing Legal Education, Education, Presentation Skills

2024 Link Guide to Employment Resources

This is employment resources guide by Marcus P. Zillman spans sources in the private and public sectors, on-site and remote work, job search engines, resume building resources, identifying job titles and respective skill requirements, and is inclusive of a focus on new job seekers and those with years of experience. Some of the sources such as LinkedIn will be familiar, but many will be new to you and will add capabilities to your efforts to develop and execute a successful job search process.

Subjects: Communication Skills, Economy, Education, Job Hunting