Extras – Product Review – SnagIt by TechSmith (v. 4.1)
Product Review – SnagIt by TechSmith (v. 4.1) By Susan Charkes, JD, MLS
Systems Librarian, Dechert Price & Rhoads, Philadelphia, PA
Product Review – SnagIt by TechSmith (v. 4.1) By Susan Charkes, JD, MLS
Systems Librarian, Dechert Price & Rhoads, Philadelphia, PA
Search Engines for Intranets by Nina Platt
Nina Platt is an independent consultant in library automation and information management. Her past experience includes 10+ years as technical services manager and systems librarian in the law office environment. In addition to her work as a consultant, she writes and speaks frequently about information resources and technology, has developed a number of Web sites and full-text databases and continues to search for better ways to integrate resources, making research more cost-effective. Compiler of Piper State Court Directory, her most recent project is the online newsletter, ILSR : Integrated Library System Reports.
(Posted July 1, 1998; Archived July 15, 1998)
Contents Pages from Law Reviews and Other Scholarly Journals http://tarlton.law.utexas.edu/tallons/content_search.html
This university law school produced site provides online versions of the tables of contents of 750+ law reviews and scholarly journals related to the law. U.S. as well as foreign titles are included. You can select U.S. or non U.S. contents pages for viewing if you wish. Only journals received in the past three months are listed on the site. The files are updated daily. The contents pages from a journal appear the day following receipt by the Tarlton Law Library. The entire archive can be searched by keyword.
Confessions of a Deep Linker: Advanced Techniques for Linking to Government Documents & Databases By Phillip A. McAfee, Esq.
Phillip A. McAfee is an attorney with a Masters Degree in Health Law from Loyola University in Chicago. He is also the owner of the Health Hippo Web site, which has provided deep and extensive links to government documents related to health law, policy and regulation since 1996.
June 1998
Information Outlook, June 1998
Librarians in Evolving Corporate Roles, p.27. Librarian, cybrarian, or knowledge manager? Titles have shifted in response to the evolution and expansion of skills, responsibilities and challenges posed by the digital era.
(Posted June 15, 1998; Archived July 1, 1998)
bankinfo.com http://www.bankinfo.com
This site is a source for a wealth of banking information. There are links to financial institutions on the Web, a Year 2000 Watch, links to regulations, a regulatory review, a court watch, a searchable e-mail directory, banking listservs, quick links to other relevant banking sites, statistics at a glance and much more.
Client Centered Web Sites By Jerry Lawson
Jerry Lawson is an Internet consultant for attorneys and designer of the Internet Tools for Attorneys Web site, http://www.netlawtools.com.
(Posted June 1st, 1998; Archived June 15th, 1998)
Fed In Print
This is database of all Federal Reserve System Economic research. It was developed by the FRB of San Francisco. You can search by keyword in the title, subject and abstract, title word search, author, or publication year. Some documents are offered in full-text format while others must be ordered from the publishing institution in print.
ResearchWire Search Engines Compared: Which is Right for You? By Diana Botluk
The most recent version of this article is available at //www.llrx.com/features/engine3.htm. You will be automatically redirected to that page shortly.
Cataloging Internet Resources: “Don’t Worry. It’s Easier than Rocket Science.” By Joni Lynn Cassidy President, Cassidy Cataloguing Services, Inc.
Joni Lynn Cassidy is President/Co-owner/Founder of Cassidy Cataloguing Services, Inc., a small quality-driven company providing contract cataloguing and technical services to law firm, bar association, corporate and special libraries throughout the U.S. and Europe. She founded Cassidy Cataloguing in 1985 and was joined full-time by her “computer wiz” husband, Michael, in 1988. A professional and support staff of 12 serves 75 libraries. Recent projects include the reclassification of the Lillian Goldman Law Library at Yale Law School to Library of Congress classification. Cassidy Cataloging Services, Inc. is proud to be unveiling a new service: MOLEhill ’98. MOLEhill ’98 will provide libraries with reasonably-priced desktop access to their online public access catalog (OPAC) via the Internet. Contact Joni Cassidy at [email protected] or 973-481-0900, for more information.