Category «United States Law»

Features – A Defense of Publishing Legal Material on the Internet

A Defense of Publishing Legal Material on the Internet By John P. Joergensen, Rutgers University Law Library – Camden, NJ

John P. Joergensen is a reference librarian at Rutgers University School of Law Camden. He works on the Rutgers N.J. Courts Publishing Project, which publishes the decisions of the N.J. appellate courts, tax court, administrative law decisions, and the U.S. District Court for N.J. Prior to coming to Rutgers, he practiced law in Philadelphia, PA.

Subjects: Court Resources, Features, Internet Resources

Features – Electronic Commerce and Law on the Internet

Electronic Commerce and Law on the Internet By Bradley J. Hillis, M.A., J.D.

Bradley J. Hillis is a member of the Bar of State of Washington and the United States Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit, author of several articles, including: “Considerations When Placing Court Opinions on the Internet,” “Internet Multimedia and Domestic Violence Prevention,” and “Internet Experiments in Electronic Court Filing.” Mr. Hillis graduated from Colorado College and holds Juris Doctor and Master of Arts degrees from the University of Washington.

Subjects: Cyberlaw, E-Commerce, Features

Features – Guide to International Trade Resources on the Internet

Guide to International Trade Law Sources on the Internet By Marci Hoffman Editor’s Note: Please refer to the updated version of this article at // You will be automatically redirected to that page shortly.

Marci Hoffman , is the Foreign, Comparative & International Law Librarian at the University of Minnesota Law Library. In addition to her reference and research expertise, Marci also teaches a seminar on foreign and international legal research. She often lectures on international and foreign legal research and Anglo-American legal research; is one of the Faculty Advisors for the Minnesota Journal of Global Trade; and works closely with the students on International Moot Court. Marci is the author of an extensive Bibliography for Research on International Human Rights Law, 6 Minn. J. Global Trade 200 (1996), along with Prof. David Weissbrodt. Marci and Prof. Weissbrodt also designed and maintain the University of Minnesota Human Rights Library on the Web. She is also the editor and an author of the ASIL Guide to Electronic Resources for International Law.

Subjects: Features, Trade Law

Extras – Electronic Filing Now Possible in U.S. Trademark Office

Electronic Filing Now Possible in U.S. Trademark Office By Carl Oppedahl

Carl Oppedahl was one of the founding partners of Oppedahl & Larson, and has served as an adjunct professor at Cardozo Law School where he taught Advanced Patent Law. He is on the faculty of the Practicing Law Institute’s Patent Bar Review Course. Carl Oppedahl writes a column on legal technology for the New York Law Journal.

Subjects: Extras, Intellectual Property

Features – Electronic Rule Making: Broadcast List Servers, Hypertext Manuscripts, Proprietary Formats and Tagged Email

Electronic Rule Making: Broadcast List Servers, Hypertext Manuscripts, Proprietary Formats and Tagged Email By Phillip A. McAfee, Esq.

Phillip A. McAfee is an attorney with a Masters Degree in Health Law from Loyola University in Chicago. He is also the owner of the Health Hippo Web site, which has provided deep and extensive links to government documents related to health law, policy and regulation since 1996.

Subjects: Features, Government Resources

Features – Researching Medical Literature on the Internet

Researching Medical Literature on the Web By Gloria Miccioli

Gloria Miccioli has been a law librarian for 20 years. Her specialty is research. She has worked as Government Documents/Reference Librarian at the Jacob Burns Law Library of the George Washington University Law School; as Senior Research Librarian for Williams & Connolly; and is currently International Librarian for Jones, Day, Reavis & Pogue’s D.C. office, where she provides expert research services for the firm’s overseas offices.

Subjects: Features, Medical Research

Features – Thinking About Linking, Part II: Can Law Accommodate the

Thinking About Linking Part II Can Law Accommodate the Power of the Internet to Share Information? By Bradley J. Hillis

Bradley J. Hillis is a member of the Washington state bar, and the author of “Internet Experiments in Electronic CourtFiling,” “Considerations When Placing Court Opinions on the Internet,” and “Legal Research on the Internet: A Simple, How To Guide.” He lives in Bellevue, Washington, and is a legal analyst for the Office of the Administrator for the Courts.

Subjects: Cyberlaw, Features, Web Management