ResearchWire – Litigator’s Internet Resource Guide: Points in Dispute
Return to Library ResearchWire Litigator’s Internet Resource Guide: Points In Dispute By Genie Tyburski
Genie Tyburski is the Research Librarian for Ballard Spahr Andrews & Ingersoll in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and the editor of The Virtual Chase:TM A Research Site for Legal Professionals.
(Posted December 1, 1997; Archived January 1, 1998) Then came pleas and rejoinders, rebutters, demurrers, Such as Chitty would plough into Richard Roe’s furrows; — Cross questions, and very cross answers, to suit — So the gist of the case was the point in dispute.
— John Brainard, “Scire Facias” in Poems of John Brainard (1841)