Category «Legal Research»

Extras – New Online Access to Federal Courts

New Online Access to Federal Courts By Lynn Peterson

Lynn Peterson is president of PFC Information Services, Inc. , a public records research firm located in Oakland, California. Lynn has been quoted on public records research in a variety of sources including The Wall Street Journal, Kiplinger’s Personal Finance Magazine, and The Information Broker’s Handbook. PFC Information Services provides public records research for law firms, corporations, lenders, venture capitalists, employers, the media, and other information research firms.

Subjects: Court Resources, Extras

Features – The Web Enabled Document Retrieval System The Web Enabled Docket Retrieval System By Sabrina I. Pacifici and Jeff Bosh

Sabrina I. Pacifici is the Editor, Publisher and Web Manager of Jeff Bosh has been with Sidley & Austin in Washington, D.C., as the Associate Librarian for the past fourteen years. He has an extensive background in implementing value-added electronic systems for research at the desktop, including a firm-wide intranet.

Subjects: Court Resources, Features

Extras – How to Save Money on Legal Research

How to Save Money on Legal Research By Scott Davis

Scott Davis is a Marketing MBA who runs Academy Computer Services, Inc. Academy specializes in computer hardware for legal research. Appropriately enough, their Website is . Academy products have been resold through West and Lexis. LOIS and Academy are partners in the Law Office in a Box concept. Academy has over 3,000 customers performing legal research on Academy equipment nationwide.

Subjects: Extras, Legal Research

Features – The Great Citator Debate

The Great Citator Debate By Victoria Szymczak

Victoria Szymczak is Electronic Information Specialist & Adjunct Professor of Law at Brooklyn Law School Library. She is primarily responsible for instructional use and collection of electronic materials. Victoria co-teaches an Advanced Legal Research course with her colleague James Murphy, and a Foreign and International Law Research course with her colleague Jean Davis. On July 21, 1999, she will be moderating an exciting session on Canadian and Mexican legal research at the AALL Annual Meeting in Washington, D.C. Victoria has co-authored two law journal articles and many columns in Law Lines, the newsletter published by the Law Library Association of Greater New York. She received her MS from Pratt Institute in 1995 and a JD/LLM from Duke University School of Law in 1992.

Subjects: Citators, Features