Reference from Coast to Coast –
Reference from Coast to Coast: Searches and Strategies
By Megan Culich Butman
Megan Culich Butman is Reference Librarian at Katten Muchin & Zavis, Chicago, Illinois.
Published November 15, 1999
Reference from Coast to Coast: Searches and Strategies
By Megan Culich Butman
Megan Culich Butman is Reference Librarian at Katten Muchin & Zavis, Chicago, Illinois.
Published November 15, 1999
Guide To European Legal Databases, Update 4 By Mirela Roznovschi
The most recent version of this article is available at // You will be automatically redirected to that page shortly.
Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act
The title epitomizes the substance of the Act, which is to provide electronic signatures with the same legal
New Research Tools from LIVEDGAR: Customized Research and Web Pages
By Laura Story
Laura Story is Director of Information Services, Powell, Goldstein, Frazer & Murphy in Atlanta.
Overview of the Sources of Italian Law By Raffaele Ladu
Raffaele Ladu holds a “laurea” (roughly equivalent to a Master’s Degree) in General and Experimental Psychology from the University of Padua and is now studying Law at the University of Verona. He is currently a mainframe programmer at the Cariverona Banca Spa, one of the liveliest Italian banks, and he is also an UILCA trade unionist (affiliated to UIL – Unione Italiana del Lavoro). He is a self-taught Internaut, and his love for the English language has allowed him to get the coveted Cambridge Proficiency in English, but doesn’t guarantee that he has written a flawless article!
The most recent version of this article is available at // You will be automatically redirected to that page shortly.
Italian National and Regional Legislative Resources Online By Maria Teresa Leonardi
Maria Teresa Leonardi received a degree in Political Science from the University of Catania in 1987. She works at the Legal Documentation Center (Faculty of Law), where customers (faculty, staff, students, lawyers) carry out juridical and legislative searches on databases with the staff assistance. She shares responsibilities for database training given to students and the teaching staff. She also works with the Chair of Legal Computer Science of the same Faculty. She is member of the Associazione Italiana per la Documentazione Avanzata.
ResearchWire Megan’s Law By Genie Tyburski
Genie Tyburski is the Web Manager of The Virtual Chase: A Research Site for Legal Professionals .
Court Docket Services – A Comparison of Pacer, CourtLink, and CaseStream By Julie Bozzell
Julie Bozzell is the Electronic Information Specialist at Greenberg Traurig in Miami, FL.
Reference from Coast to Coast: Searches and Strategies By Sue Taylor , Reference Librarian Katten Muchin & Zavis, Los Angeles, CA
Published October 15, 1999
The Impact of the Internet Taxation Issue
There is no doubt that the issue of Internet taxation is weighing heavily upon interest groups and associations here and abroad. Studies,