Category «Legal Research»

Features – Overview of the Sources of Italian Law

Overview of the Sources of Italian Law By Raffaele Ladu

Raffaele Ladu holds a “laurea” (roughly equivalent to a Master’s Degree) in General and Experimental Psychology from the University of Padua and is now studying Law at the University of Verona. He is currently a mainframe programmer at the Cariverona Banca Spa, one of the liveliest Italian banks, and he is also an UILCA trade unionist (affiliated to UIL – Unione Italiana del Lavoro). He is a self-taught Internaut, and his love for the English language has allowed him to get the coveted Cambridge Proficiency in English, but doesn’t guarantee that he has written a flawless article!

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Subjects: Features, International Legal Research

Notes from the Technology Trenches – September, 1999

Notes from the Technology Trenches By Roger Skalbeck

Roger Skalbeck is the Electronic Initiatives Librarian at Howrey & Simon in Washington, D.C., and is the Web Master of the Law Librarian’s Society of Washington, D.C. Current work activities cover myriad aspects of electronic research resource evaluation, intranet content development, as well as research and technology training, all from a librarian’s point of view. This column reflects the personal views of the author, which are not necessarily those of his employer or any other organization. This column, of course, is 100% free of any legal advice.

Subjects: Cyberlaw, Notes from the Technology Trenches, Technology Trends, Web Management

Features – Keycite Review

KeyCite Review By Al Harrison

Al Harrison is a patent attorney practicing intellectual property law with a concentration in computer and online law, and a mediator for related matters, with the Houston firm of Harrison & Egbert. He is a member of the faculty of the Resolution Forum focusing on mediating online via the Internet and corporate Intranets. Al is chair of the Online and Computer Law Section of the Houston Bar Association; is a past chair of the Law Practice Management Section; and sits on the council of the Federal Practice Section. He is a past chair and sits on the council of the State Bar of Texas Computer Section; and is chair of the Computer Law Committee of the Intellectual Property Law Section. He is a past chair of the Computer Law Committee of the Houston Intellectual Property Law Association.

Subjects: Citators, Features