Extras – Who Benefits From Electronic Filing?
M. Sean Fosmire is with the Michigan law firm of Garan Lucow Miller, P.C.
M. Sean Fosmire is with the Michigan law firm of Garan Lucow Miller, P.C.
What’s Standing in Jurisline’s Road: Barriers Erected by Lexis or Its Own Necessary Effort and Expense
A Commentary by T. R. Halvorson
Overview of Sources of Canadian Law on the Web Editor’s Note: Please refer to the updated version of this article,at //www.llrx.com/features/canadian3.htm. You will be automatically redirected to that page shortly.
By Louise Tsang
Where Shall We Play Ball: Reed Elsevier and Matthew Bender Say a Major Portion of the Dispute with Jurisline.com Belongs in State Court
A Commentary by T. R. Halvorson
An Overview of New Zealand Law
The most recent version of this article is available at //www.llrx.com/features/newzealand.htm. You will be automatically redirected to that page shortly.
Legal Research 2000:
Roger Skalbeck is the Electronic Initiatives Librarian at Howrey & Simon in Washington, D.C., and is the Web Master of the Law Librarians’ Society of Washington, D.C. This column reflects the personal views of the author, which are not necessarily those of his employer or any other organization. This column, of course, is 100% free of any legal advice.
Welcome to Reference From Coast to Coast: Sources and Strategies, a monthly column written by the KMZ librarians. Headquartered in Chicago, Katten Muchin Zavis has reference librarians in Washington DC, Chicago and Los Angeles. There are eight professional librarians who are assisted by a great support staff. The KMZ librarians field questions and participate in research in a myriad of subject areas. This column will highlight some of our favorite reference sources and research techniques in the hope that sharing information will help you in your day to day jobs. We welcome all of your comments and questions, and would particularly like feedback on sources and strategies that YOU use for research on our column topics.