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Beth Wellington is a Roanoke, Virginia based poet and journalist. She is a contributing editor to the New River Free Press, a book reviewer for the Roanoke Times and a member of the Southern Appalachian Writers Cooperative (SAWC) and the Appalachian Studies Association. From 1980 to 1997, she was the founding Executive Director of New River Community Sentencing, Inc. in Christiansburg, Virginia and its predecessor, New River Community Action's Community Sentencing Program. She contributes to both and Beth's blog on culture and politics is The Writing Corner.

Commentary: The Showdown on Coal-to-Liquid Technology

Beth Wellington provides an overview of coal-to-liquid (CTL) technology and whether it is a viable new energy source. Beth documents the debate over this issue which includes voices from academia, trade associations, lobbyists and members of Congress, who have introduced a plethora of related legislation.

Subjects: Extras