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Renaud Foucart,Senior Lecturer in Economics, Lancaster University Management School, Lancaster University. I am an applied microeconomic theorist. This means I try to understand real world puzzles by modelling strategic interactions. This has led me to work on topics as different as smoking bans, Islamic finance, standards and innovation, environmental agreements, urban planning, the comeback of vinyl, online search aggregators and the impact of auditing courts on the selection of politicians. I hold a PhD from Université libre de Bruxelles. Since then I have worked in Oxford, Berlin, Nottingham and now Lancaster University.

How your online world could change if big tech companies like Google are forced to break up

The Department of Justice may be on the verge of seeking a break-up of Google in a bid to make it less dominant. Renaud Foucart explains that if the government goes ahead and is successful in the courts, it could mean the company being split into separate entities – a search engine, an advertising company, a video website, a mapping app – which would not be allowed to share data with each other.

Subjects: E-Commerce, Legal Research, Search Engines, United States Law