Day archives: September 19th, 2024

TikTok ban goes to the court: 5 essential reads on the case and its consequences

TikTok headed to court on Sept. 16, 2024, in a bid to overturn a law that would force the video app to divorce from its China-based parent company or be banned in the U.S. During the appearance before a panel of judges at the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, layers for TikTok said imposing such a prohibition would have “staggering” consequences for free speech. The court hearing is the latest development in a lengthy saga over the fate of an app that is widely popular, especially among young Americans, but that many politicians in Washington fear poses or is a security risk. Eric Smalley and Matt Willimas report that the outcome of the oral arguments presented by lawyers from the U.S. government on one side and TikTok and parent company ByteDance on the other, it’s unlikely to be the end of the story. Many analysts expect the case will head to the Supreme Court.

Subjects: Legal Research, Social Media, United States Law

You want to vote in the 2024 election − here is how to make sure that your voice is heard

Voting will begin in many states in just a few weeks – Alabama became the first state to begin sending out mail-in ballots on Sept. 11, 2024. It’s one of 10 states that send mail-in ballots to voters more than 45 days before Election Day. Every state’s regulations and procedures are different, so it is vital that you understand the requirements and opportunities to vote where you live. Amy Dacey, Executive Director of the Sine Institute of Policy and Politics, American University, outlines a plan to ensure your vote and that your vote is counted regardless of where you live.

Subjects: Civil Liberties, Election Law