This Internet MiniGuide Annotated Link Compilation is dedicated to the latest and most reliable resources for knowledge discovery available over the Internet. With the constant addition of new and pertinent information to the web, it is not uncommon for researchers to experience information overload. The key to managing this volume of resources is a reliable strategy to find the important knowledge discovery resources and sites both in the visible and invisible World Wide Web. The following selected knowledge discovery resources and sites offer excellent knowledge and information discovery sources to help you accomplish your research goals.
ACM SIGKDD: Current Explorations Issue
Explorations is published twice yearly, in June/July and in December/January each year. The newsletter is distributed in hardcopy form to all members of the ACM SIGKDD. It is also sent to ACM’s network of libraries. Online versions are available on the web free to the general public. Their goal is to make the SIGKDD Newsletter an informative, rapid means of publication and dynamic forum for communication with the Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining community.
Advanced Knowledge Technologies
The Advanced Knowledge Technologies (AKT) project aims to develop and extend a range of technologies providing integrated methods and services for the capture, modelling, publishing, reuse and management of knowledge. AKT is a multi-million pound, six year collaboration between internationally recognized research groups at the Universities of Aberdeen, Edinburgh, the Open University, Sheffield and South Hampton.
APECKS: a Tool to Support Living Ontologies
Ontology servers are currently under-developed in terms of the support they provide for collaborative activities on their content. This paper presents the APECKS (Adaptive Presentation Environment for Collaborative Knowledge Structuring) system, an ontology server which supports collaboration by allowing individuals to create personal ontologies. These ontologies can be compared with others’ to prompt discussion about the sources of their differences and similarities.
Association of KnowledgeWork (AOK)
At the Association of Knowledgework, people from every specialty cross professional, geographic, cultural, economic and hierarchical barriers to learn together. Not just another website, this is a virtual home for those who work with knowledge.
BAYESIA: Bayesian Networks and Data Mining Tool
The Bayesian Network approach merges and supersedes existing approaches coming from Artificial Intelligence and Data Mining, both symbolic and statistical ones. Bayesian Networks are rigorously justified, provide a distributed knowledge representation, and are as understandable as a rule base. They deal particularly well with uncertainty, and they can be manually generated by consultation of an expert, or inductively built by machine learning.
Bibliomining Information Center – Data Mining for Libraries
The basic definition is “data mining for libraries.” For years, bibliometrics has been used to track patterns in authorship, citation, etc. Today, there are many more tools available for discovering similar patterns in complex datasets from data mining and statistics. In addition, tools from management science such as Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) can be used to explore the data for patterns. Therefore, a more complex definition is: Bibliomining is the combination of data mining, bibliometrics, statistics, and reporting tools used to extract patterns of behavior-based artifacts from library systems – Business Technology – Information Economy – Knowledge Management
KMNetwork and the WWW Virtual Library of Knowledge Management combined to bring together an excellent resource for research papers and portals on knowledge management and discovery. In depth research articles and research portals from over the entire global Internet discuss the business, technologies, processes, systems, sociology, creativity, psychology and philosophy of Knowledge Management.
Center for Automated Learning and Discovery (CALD)
The Center for Automated Learning and Discovery (CALD) is an academic department within Carnegie Mellon University’s School of Computer Science. They focus on research and education in all areas of statistical machine learning. To tackle these problems they develop algorithms that discover general conjectures and knowledge from specific data and experience, based on sound statistical and computational principles. They also develop theories of learning processes that characterize the fundamental nature of the computations and experience sufficient for successful learning in machines and in humans.
Creative Commons RDF-Enhanced Search
This search engine will help you find photos, music, text, books, educational material, and more that is free to share or build upon. Copyright applies fully and automatically to any work. a photograph, a song, a web page, an article, pretty much any form of expression, the moment it is created. This means that if you want to copy and re-use a creative work you find online, you usually have to ask the author’s permission. This “all rights reserved” protection is good thing for many authors and artists. But what about those who want you to use their work freely without permission — but on certain conditions? This search engine helps you quickly find those authors and the work they have marked as free to use with only “some rights reserved.” If you respect the rights they have reserved (which will be clearly marked, as you’ll see) then you can use the work without having to contact them and ask. In some cases, you may even find work in the public domain — that is, free for any use with “no rights reserved.”
Conceptual Graphs
Conceptual graphs (CGs) are a system of logic based on the existential graphs of Charles Sanders Peirce and the semantic networks of artificial intelligence. They express meaning in a form that is logically precise, humanly readable, and computationally tractable. With their direct mapping to language, conceptual graphs serve as an intermediate language for translating computer-oriented formalisms to and from natural languages. With their graphic representation, they serve as a readable, but formal design and specification language. CGs have been implemented in a variety of projects for information retrieval, database design, expert systems, and natural language processing.
D2K – Data To Knowledge
D2K – Data to Knowledge is a rapid, flexible data mining and machine learning system that integrates analytical data mining methods for prediction, discovery, and deviation detection, with data and information visualization tools. It offers a visual programming environment that allows users to connect programming modules together to build data mining applications and supplies a core set of modules, application templates, and a standard API for software component development.
Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery in Databases
This is an archive of frequently accessed papers on Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery in Databases. Other links include: Spatial and Multi-Media Databases, Deductive and Object-Oriented Databases, MSc. and Ph.D. Theses Related to Data Mining and Database Systems, Conference or Workshop Presentation Slides and Other Papers on KDD.
Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery (KDD) Journal
Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery in Databases (KDD) is a rapidly growing area of research and application that builds on techniques and theories from many fields, including statistics, databases, pattern recognition and learning, data visualization, uncertainty modelling, data warehousing and OLAP, optimization, and high performance computing. KDD is concerned with issues of scalability, the multi-step knowledge discovery process for extracting useful patterns and models from raw data stores (including data cleaning and noise modelling), and issues of making discovered patterns understandable.
Data Mining Resources
A Subject Tracer™ Information Blog developed and created by Internet expert, author, keynote speaker and consultant Marcus P. Zillman, M.S., A.M.H.A. for monitoring data mining resources and sites on the Internet.
Data Mining : White Papers, Webcasts and Product Information
Research the latest Data Mining technologies, tools and techniques. Read white papers, case studies, webcasts and product information from multiple vendors .
Deep Web Research 2008
Web search guru Marcus P. Zillman’s guide extensively documents resources that include articles, books, websites, presentations, search engines, and technology applications that facilitate the challenging task of accessing information, published in many formats, that encompass the hundreds of millions of pages comprising the “deep web.”
DigiCULT Resources – Resource Discovery & Information Retrieval
An excellent resource listing of resource discovery and information retrieval resources, sources, sites and tools that will definitely aid the researcher in knowledge discovery. This DigiGULT page is updated frequently with the latest resources and tools.
Explore Open Archives
This site lists and comments on other lists of individual open archives. This list and its categorisation gives a broad overview of the structure, size and progress of full-text open access eprint archives. This list will be maintained and updated as far as is possible, and is intended to assist further quantitative research on the open access eprint phenomenon for those who want to measure the growth and quality of open access eprint archives.
GeneMiner is an intelligent data mining tool designed to capitalize on the automatic search and optimization capabilities of genetic algorithms, ploughs through raw data and churns out valuable knowledge in the form of textual rules for a wide variety of business and financial applications that need automated decision making with explanation capabilities. Genetic algorithms is a revolutionary, Artificial Intelligence technology that lets users build applications directly upon the knowledge contained in data.
Global Knowledge Partnership (GKP)
The Global Knowledge Partnership (GKP) is a worldwide network committed to harnessing the potential of information and communication technologies (ICTs) for sustainable and equitable development. GKP’s vision is a world of equal opportunities where all people can access and use knowledge and information to improve their lives. The network enables the sharing of information, experiences and resources to help reduce poverty and empower people.
GMDH – Group Method of Data Handling
Group Method of Data Handling was applied in a great variety of areas for data mining and knowledge discovery, forecasting and systems modeling, optimization and pattern recognition. Inductive GMDH algorithms give possibility to find automatically interrelations in data, to select optimal structure of model or network and to increase the accuracy of existing algorithms. This original self-organizing approach is substantially different from deductive methods used commonly for modeling. It has inductive nature – it finds the best solution by sorting-out of possible variants.
Gurteen Knowledge Website
This site acts as a gateway Knowledge Management, Learning, Thinking, Creativity, Personal Mastery; Personal Knowledge Management and the effective use of Technology. The site has been created by and maintained by David Gurteen, a UK-based knowledge consultant.
Google™ Directory – Knowledge Discovery
Google’s directory of Knowledge Discovery resources on the world wide web in the following categories:
- Books
- Business and Companies
- Data Mining
- Information Visualization
- Magazines and eZines
- Organizations
- Software, and
- Test Mining.
IBM Research – Knowledge Discovery & Data Mining (KDD)
IBM Research has been at the forefront of the exciting new area of Knowledge Discovery & Data Mining (KDD). Key advances in robust and scalable data mining, methods for fast pattern detection from very large databases, text and web mining, and innovative business intelligence applications have come from our research laboratories. Links to their current projects as well as KDD links are available from this site.
IKNOW (Inquiring Knowledge Networks on the Web)
IKNOW helps an organization by putting in place a mapping, visualization, and measurement system that can help organizations to study the patterns of knowledge and information flow though an organizations informal network. This, in turn, can help enhance an organization’s capability to identify critical patterns of knowledge distribution and information flow, and thus, more effectively manage these knowledge assets. IKNOW provides the focus associated with mapping, measurement and visualization of knowledge networks and combines it with the power of structured collaboration. Further its ability to run on many popular Web platforms enhances its ease of use.
Insightful Miner 3
Insightful Miner is a highly scalable data mining and analysis workbench that gives new analysts and skilled modelers the ability to deploy predictive intelligence throughout the enterprise. Insightful Miner 3 increases support for large data environments with new versions for Windows and Solaris servers and adds many new features that allow data analysts and data miners to easily build and deploy analytic applications that boost product performance and improve the efficiency of critical business processes.
IntelligentKM Feature – Extracting Knowledge
Information extraction (IE) technology employs advanced machine learning, or artificial intelligence (AI) techniques, to help aggregate and integrate Web content. Working in conjunction with information retrieval and organization tools, automated extraction is a powerful means of finding content on the Web. While IE is not a stand-alone application, it is a key part of any knowledge management (KM) strategy.
Intelligent Portals
They provide targeted, in-depth information and advice, unavailable anywhere else, about the management strategies, IT architectures, and products involved. Management and technology issues pertaining to business intelligence (OLAP, data mining, and reporting), data warehousing, customer relationship management (CRM), data and application integration, knowledge management, and scalable e-business are the bread and butter of our editorial coverage. These issues directly pertain to the transformation of corporate information into strategic knowledge for business gain. Communities included: Intelligent Performance, IntelligentCRM, Intelligent Applications, and Intelligent Integration.
International Workshop on Peer-to-Peer Knowledge Management (P2PKM)
The P2PKM workshop is intended to serve as an active forum for researchers and practitioners, where they will have the possibility to exchange and discuss novel ideas, research results and experiences, laying in the intersection of the P2P, Knowledge Management (KM), Semantic Web, databases, pervasive computing, agents, as well as other related fields.
ITtoolbox Knowledge Management – Knowledge Management Information and Tools
A comprehensive site for Knowledge Management and Discovery Resources including browse by type of content: Blogs, FAQs, Groups, Jobs, News, Peer Publishing, PR, Research and White Papers. Also available browse by Knowledge Management Topic: Business Intelligence, Business Strategy/Planning, Communication/Collaboration, Data Warehousing, Document/Content Management, e-Learning, Enterprise Portals, General Knowledge management, KM Career, Knowledge Transfer, and Packaged KM Suites.
KBL(sm): A Registry of Library Knowledge Bases
Library-created or library-related Knowledge Bases. A Knowledge Base / Knowledgebase may be defined as a database with a focus on empirical or practical knowledge. In recent years, Knowledge bases have become common components for many businesses and services.
K-CAP2005 – Third International Conference on Knowledge Capture
Areas covered: Knowledge engineering and modeling methodologies, Mixed-initiative planning and decision-support tools, Acquisition of problem-solving knowledge, Programming-by-demonstration systems, Knowledge management environments, Knowledge-based markup techniques, Knowledge extraction systems, Knowledge acquisition tools, Advice taking systems, and Learning apprentice.
k-collector is an enterprise knowledge aggregator that leverages the power of social software, weblogs and shared topics to present new ways of finding and combining the real knowledge in your organization.
KDD-2008: The Twelfth ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining
During the past years, the ACM SIGKDD conference has established itself as the premier international conference on knowledge discovery and data mining with an attendance of 600-900 people. To continue with this tradition, the thirteenth ACM SIGKDD conference will provide a forum for researchers from academia, industry, and government, developers, practitioners, and the data mining user community to share their research and experience. The SIGKDD conference will feature keynote presentations, oral paper presentations, poster presentations, workshops, tutorials, and panels, as well as the KDD Cup competition. KDD-2008 will also award scholarships to selected students to help defray the cost of participating in the conference. Details will appear on the conference Web site as they become available.
KDnuggets: Data Mining, Web Mining, and Knowledge Discovery Guide (KD stands for Knowledge Discovery) is the leading source of information on Data Mining, Web Mining, Knowledge Discovery, and Decision Support Topics, including News, Software, Solutions, Companies, Jobs, Courses, Meetings, Publications, and more. KDnuggets News has been widely recognized as the leading newsletter on Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery.
A resource covering site, resources, communities and related information about the relationship between blogs and knowledge management and knowledge discovery.
Know-Center – Austria’s Competence Center for Knowledge Management
The Know-Center is Austria’s Competence Center for knowledge-based Applications and Systems. The Know-Center has its core competences in the fields of information technology as enabling technologies for knowledge management and in human-oriented knowledge management.
Knowledge Discovery
A Subject Tracer™ Information Blog developed and created by Internet expert, author, keynote speaker and consultant Marcus P. Zillman, M.S., A.M.H.A. for monitoring knowledge discovery resources and sites on the Internet.
Knowledge Harvesting
Knowledge Harvesting is used to rapidly convert top-performer expertise into knowledge assets that enhance corporate valuation and protect the organization from knowledge degradation. The purpose of this site is to offer an extensive introduction to Knowledge Harvesting.
Knowledge Harvesting – KM Toolkit
A detailed explanation of knowledge harvesting by the National Electronic Library for Health including a toolkit that offers step by step implementation of knowledge harvesting and a list of resources and references.
Knowledge Management: A Guide to Resources on the Internet by Michael M. Smith
Knowledge Management (KM) is one of many important topics being addressed by companies in today’s complex business environment. There are many excellent resources on the Internet addressing the many aspects of KM. The resources listed in this guide offer a wide variety of information on KM provided by academic/research organizations, information portals, consultants, and governmental and nonprofit organizations. Knowledge Management Cluster Web KMCluster focus is knowledge management (KM). Focus is also on the key KM techniques of enterprise collaboration (EC), organizational learning (OL), communities of practice (CP), social networks (SN), intellectual capital (IC), complexity science (CS), content management (CM), measurement & metrics (MM), policy & procedures (PP), innovation & invention (II) and analytics & taxonomies (AT).
Knowledge Management Magazine – Inside Knowledge
The original knowledge management publication. The knowledge that exists within your organisation is your only sustainable source of competitive advantage. They believe this makes knowledge management a strategic imperative for you. Each issue of Inside Knowledge is designed to provide you with the information you require to:
- Learn from the mistakes and success stories of others
- Lower business costs and increase productivity across your organization
- Ensure the ongoing professional development of yourself and your colleagues, and
- Keep on top of industry developments, new techniques and tools for knowledge management and knowledge discovery.
Knowledge Management Research Center – CIO
Making the most of intellectual capital. Topics in the Knowledge Management Research Center include:
- Overview
- Strategy
- Process
- Measurement
- Technology
- Portal and Collaboration
- In the Know
- Case Studies
- Metrics
- CIO Radio
- Q&A
- Books
- Events, and
- Newsletters.
A comprehensive research center presented and updated by CIO.
Knowledge Management Resource Center
Knowledge Management Resource Center is a gateway to the world of Knowledge Management (KM). On this site you’ll find a comprehensive collection of KM resources, each reviewed and described to help you quickly locate what you’re looking for. You can explore knowledge management in their 17 departments, browse their bookstore, or search the site by keyword.
KT web – Connecting Knowledge Technology Communities
KTweb brings together the European projects and people working in information access and knowledge technologies – in research, academia and business – and offers information and resources in these domains at a global level.
Linguistic Tools for Knowledge Discovery
The gaps between subject and functional boundaries are one of the best sources of breakthrough innovation. Yet for a variety of reasons – managerial, technical, and editorial – it’s often difficult to exploit them. In this article they use an example from their own research and experience to show how linguistic tools such as thesauri, glossaries, and navigation schemes can promote knowledge discovery by exposing potential linkages between seemingly unrelated subjects.
McCullough Knowledge Explorer and the MKR Language
McCullough Knowledge Explorer (MKE) is an interactive tool for organizing knowledge. It helps the user to record, change and search knowledge, and provides extensive error checking to ensure the internal consistency of the knowledge. Interaction with MKE uses the MKR language. MKR is a very-high-level knowledge representation language with simple English-like statements, questions and commands, plus UNIX-shell-like variables, methods and control structures.
Megaputer Intelligence
Megaputer Intelligence Inc., a Delaware corporation established in May of 1997, is a leading developer and distributor of advanced software tools for data mining, text mining, and intelligent e-commerce personalization. Their tools help reveal knowledge hidden in data. They add intelligence and insight to every step of the business decision-making process. The mission of Megaputer is to provide customers around the world with top quality software tools for transforming raw data into knowledge and facilitating better business decisions.
Open Directory – Knowledge Discovery
A listing pf knowledge discovery resources broken into the following categories: 1) Books, 2) Business and Cmpanies, 3) Magazine and eZines, 4) Organizations, 5) Software, 6) Data Mining, 7) Information Visualization, 8) OLAP, and 9) Text Mining.
PEPITe is a company specialized in intelligent data exploration and knowledge extraction techniques. PEPITe sells Knowledge Discovery in Databases (KDD) solutions. These solutions combine software modules and services. PEPITe offers a complete range of services and products dedicated to industrial Data Mining (DM) applications.
SPSS, Data Mining, Statistical Analysis Software, Predictive Analysis, Predictive Analytics, Decision Support Systems
SPSS predictive analytics, enterprise applications, and decisioning systems provide the most effective means for you to shape your organization’s future for knowledge management and knowledge discovery. A very large selection of commercial based products from data mining to knowledge discovery.
STATISTICA – Data Mining, Data Analysis, Quality Control, and Web Analytics Software
StatSoft’s flagship product line is the STATISTICA suite of analytics software products. STATISTICA provides the most comprehensive array of data analysis, data management, data visualization and data mining procedures. Its techniques include the widest selection of predictive modeling, clustering, classification and exploratory techniques in one software platform. Ideal for the knowledge discovery starter kit ….
T2K – Text to Knowledge
The T2K (Text to Knowledge) tool provides text mining and analysis capabilities that have been specially designed to operate in and capitalize upon the complexity of rich natural language domains of very large stores of text and multimedia documents. T2K is a library of D2K modules that implements sophisticated algorithms for text analysis.
Telemakus – Mining and Mapping Research Findings to Promote Knowledge Discovery
The goal of the Telemakus System is to enhance the knowledge discovery process by developing retrieval, visual and interaction tools to mine and map research findings from the research literature. The objective of the research is to create, test and validate an infrastructure to permit the automation of the creation and maintenance of a searchable database that generates knowledge maps via query tools and concept mapping algorithms. We will also be applying natural language processing models and information analysis methods to ultimately speed up the scientific discovery process.
The Data Mine
The Data Mine was launched in April 1994, to provide information about DataMining (AKA KnowledgeDiscoveryInDatabases or KDD). There are 6 seperate DataMining topic areas (known as “webs”), each with an index. You could also start with the IntroductionToDataMining. Popular pages include: OnLine Analytical Processing (OLAP) , Data Mining Journals, Data Mining Tutorials, Data Sources. Topic areas include: Data Mining Software, Data Mining Index, Data Mining General/Misc, People Working in Data Mining, and Data Mining Companies and Organizations.
The Protégé Project
Protégé is an ontology editor and a knowledge-base editor. Protégé is also an open-source, Java tool that provides an extensible architecture for the creation of customized knowledge-based applications. Protégé’s OWL Plug-in now provides support for editing Semantic Web ontologies.
The Knowledge Management Forum (KMForum)
The Knowledge Management Forum is a virtual community practice focused on furthering the fundamental theories, methods, and practices supporting the Knowledge Professions. The new KMForum Conference Center (KMFCC) is just one of many changes planned for the coming months as the KMFourm grows to meet the needs of the Knowledge Professions.
Visual Analytics – VisuaLinks, Link Analysis, Data Mining Software
VisuaLinks® is a platform-independent, graphical analysis tool used to discover patterns, trends, associations and hidden networks in any number and type of data sources. VisuaLinks presents data graphically uncovering underlying relationships and patterns. VisuaLinks addresses the entire analytical process – from access and integration to presentation and reporting – providing a single and complete solution to a broad range of data analysis needs.
UCI Knowledge Discovery in Databases Archive
This is an online repository of large data sets which encompasses a wide variety of data types, analysis tasks, and application areas. The primary role of this repository is to enable researchers in knowledge discovery and data mining to scale existing and future data analysis algorithms to very large and complex data sets. The archive is intended to serve as a permanent repository of publicly-accessible data sets for research in KDD and data mining.
Knowledge Discovery/Management and Data Mining
Academici – Where People Who Know Meet People Who Know
ACM SIGKDD: Current Explorations Issue
Advanced Knowledge Technologies
Advancing Knowledge and the Knowledge Economy A Glance: Managing Knowledge : A Practical Web-Based Approach
Ambient Intelligence: Changing Forms of Human-Computer Interaction and their Social Implications by Mahesh S. Raisinghani*, Ally Benoit, Jianchun Ding, Maria Gomez, Kanak Gupta, Victor Gusila, Daniel Power and Oliver Schmedding
Analyzing the Role of Knowledge Organization in Scholarly Communication
A Study of Concepts of Knowledge Management by Anna Dening
BAYESIA: Bayesian Networks and Data Mining Tool
Bibliomining for Automated Collection Development in a Digital Library Setting: Using Data Mining to Discover Web-Based Scholarly Research Works by Dr. Scott Nicholson
Bibliomining Information Center – Business Technology – Information Economy – Knowledge Management
Center for Automated Learning and Discovery
Contributions to The Data Mine
Conzilla – Concept Browser
CORDRA (Content Object Repository Discovery and Registration/Resolution Architecture)
Creative Commons RDF-Enhanced Search
Critical Learning
Context Discovery – Text Summarization and Knowledge Discovery Tool
D2K – Data To Knowledge
DataFerrett – Data Mining Tool
Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery in Databases
Data Mining Resources
Data Mining, Web Mining and Knowledge Discovery Resources
Data Mining : White Papers, Webcasts and Product Information
Deep Web Research
DigiCULT Resources – Resource Discovery & Information Retrieval
ePresence Interactive Media
Explore Open Archives
Global Knowledge Partnership (GKP)
GMDH – Group Method of Data Handling
Gurteen Knowledge Website
IBM Research – Knowledge Discovery & Data Mining
Ideagraph – a Personal Knowledge Manager (PKM)
Insead Knowledge
Insightful Miner
Intellexer – Custom Built Search Engines, Knowledge Management Tools, Natural Language Processing
Intelligent Portals
Interdisciplinary Journal of Information, Knowledge, and Management
Interdisciplinary Journal of Knowledge and Learning Objects
International Journal of Knowledge and Learning (IJKL)
International Journal of Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Engineering Systems
International Journal of Knowledge Management Studies (IJKMS)
International Workshop on Peer-to-Peer Knowledge Management (P2PKM)
ITtoolbox Knowledge Management
J.UKM: Universal Journal of Knowledge Management
Kanisa — Knowledge Management
KBL(sm): A Registry of Library Knowledge Bases
K-CAP2005 – Third International Conference on Knowledge Capture
KDD-2007: The Thirteenth ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining
KDD-2008: The Fourteenth ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining
KDnuggets: Data Mining, Web Mining, and Knowledge Discovery Guide
KM4d Journal – Open Access, Peer-Reviewed, On Knowledge Management In Development
KMCI – The New Knowledge Management
KmForums KMNetwork
Know-Center – Austria’s Competence Center for Knowledge Management
Knowledge and Distributed Intelligence
Knowledge at Wharton
Knowledge Base – Indiana University
Knowledge Base Editor’s Digest
Knowledge-Based Collaboration Webs
KnowledgeBoard: the European Knowledge Management (KM) Community
Knowledge Connections Website
KnowledgeForge – Digital Open Knowledge Community
Knowledge Management
Knowledge Management for Development (KM4Dev)
Knowledge Management: A Guide to Resources on the Internet by Michael M. Smith
Knowledge Management Cluster Web
Knowledge Management Consortium International – Resource Center
Knowledge Management for Development Journal (KM4D)
Knowledge Management Is a Business Imperative
Knowledge Management Knowledge Base
Knowledge Management Magazine
Knowledge Management Research and Practice (KMRP)
Knowledge Management Research Center
Knowledge Management Resource Center
Knowledge Management Systems
Knowledge Nurture
Knowledgeshop – The World’s First Intellectual Capital Store
KnowledgeTree™ – Open Source Document Management System
LibGuides – Web 2.0 Library Knowledge Sharing System
Linguistic Tools for Knowledge Discovery
LLRX: Deep Web Research
LLRX — Knowledge Management: A Bibliographic Resource
London Knowledge Lab
M2K (Music-to-Knowledge)Toolkit
Master of Knowledge Management
McCullough Knowledge Explorer and the MKR Language
Megaputer Intelligence
Melcrum’s home for Knowledge Management
Meta Knowlege Management Portal
New Applications of Knowledge Organization Systems
OpenClinical – Knowledge Management for Healthcare
Open Knowledge Foundation
Semantic Knowledge Technologies and Language Computation
SIGKDD Explorations
Skills for Knowledge Management
SPSS, Data Mining, Statistical Analysis Software, Predictive Analysis, Predictive Analytics, Decision Support Systems
STATISTICA – Data Mining, Data Analysis, Quality Control, and Web Analytics Software
T2K – Text to Knowledge
Team Knowledge Management: A Computer-Mediated Approach – A Knowledge Ability White Paper
Telemakus – Mining and Mapping Research Findings to Promote Knowledge Discovery
The Data Mine
The Gurteen Knowledge Website – Knowledge Management
The Protégé Project
The Knowledge Management Forum (KMForum)
The Nonsense of ‘Knowledge Management’ by T.D. Wilson
The Semantic Indexing Project – Creating Tools To Identify the Latent Knowledge Found in Text
TripleHop Technologies: Knowledge Management
UCI Machine Learning Repository Content Summary
Uncovering Epistemological and Ontological Assumptions of Software Designers
Knowledge Discovery/Retrieval and the World Wide Web Advanced Knowledge Technologies (AKT)
APECKS: a Tool to Support Living Ontologies
CGI: Common Gateway Interface
Cirilab Knowledge Generation Engine™ (KGE)
Comprehensive Knowledge Archive Network (CKAN)
Corporate Memory Through Cooperative Creation of Knowledge Bases and Hyper-Documents
Concept Maps and KSI’s Concept Mapping Software
Conceptual Graphs
Conceptual Graphs
Controlled Languages in Industry
Creative Commons RDF-Enhanced Search
CSA – Guide to Discovery
Database Projects — WebLog
DigiCULT Thematic Issue 6 Resource Discovery Technologies for the Heritage Sector, June 2004 Download Thematic Issue 6: Link HiRes .pdf (4,9 MB) – Ranking and Mapping Scientific Knowledge
ExploreXY – Knowledge Discovery Vehicle (KDV)
Foundations and Trends® in Information Retrieval
FreshNotes – Why Search? Discover
Go-Geo! – Geo-Spatial Datasets and Related Resources
Google Directory – Reference & Knowledge Management & Knowledge Discovery
Harvest Information Discovery and Access System
IKNOW (Inquiring Knowledge Networks on the Web)
IntelligentKM Feature – Extracting Knowledge
Internet Agents for Knowledge Engineering
Electronic Journal of Knowledge Management (EJKM)
Knowledge Harvesting
Knowledge harvesting – KM Toolkit
Knowledge Interchange Format (KIF)
Knowledge Zone – One stop shop for Ontologies
KnowleSys – Web Data Extraction
Librarians’ Resource Centre – SLA Toronto Chapter Toolbox
News To Watch – Discover, Visualize and Embed the News
OntoBroker and Related Initiatives for the Semantic Web
Ontosaurus: Loom Web Browser
RDF: Resource Description Framework
Share Knowledge
Surfulater – Software for Internet Research and Web Information Management
Swivel – Explore and Discover Data
Tadzebao and WebOnto: Discussing, Browsing, and Editing Ontologies on the Web
The Klearinghouse: An Inventory of Knowledge Technologies
Universal Data Element Framework (UDEF)
Visual Analytics – VisuaLinks, Link Analysis, Data Mining Software
Visual Programming Languages Bibliography: A Branch of the Visual Language Research Bibliography
WayPath – Blog Discovery Engine
Web IR & IE
WebKB Set of Tools
![]() | Managing Knowledge: A Practical Web-Based Approach (Addison-Wesley Information Technology Series) Author: Wayne Applehans, Alden Globe, Greg Laugero Binding: Paperback List price: $34.99 Amazon price: |