[Editor’s Note: I have added links to those articles I located that were available at no cost. Many of the other references are available to subscribers of Hein Online, Westlaw and Lexis.]
Here are some selected books and legal articles on the subject of Freedom of Information and related secrecy issues, with a focus on the U.S. statute at the federal agency level rather than international or local aspects. Sources include some legal bibliographic indexes. I have tried to select the most useful references from that list. Even if you keep up on FOIA matters, this list probably contains a few materials you’ve missed. Also included are a number of links to useful FOIA websites.
FOIA Links
The National Security Archive, The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)
Federation of American Scientists, Freedom of Information Act Documents
The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press, Freedom of Information Services
National Freedom of Information Coalition
Access Reports, Freedom of Information Act and Privacy Issues
U.S. Department of Justice, Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)
Recent Books
Secrecy and Openness: the Federal Government from Menzies to Whitlam and Beyond, by Greg Terrill. Carlton South, Victoria: Melbourne University Press, 2000.
Executive Privilege: Presidential Power, Secrecy, and Accountability, by Mark J. Rozell, 2nd edition. Lawrence, Kansas, University Press of Kansas, 2002.
The Sorrows of Empire: Militarism, Secrecy and the End of the Republic, by Chalmers Johnson, 1st edition. New York: Metropolitan Books, 2004.
Freedom of Information: the Law, the Practice and the Ideal, by Peter Birkinshaw, Northwestern University Press, 3rd edition (January 2004) (a focus on England)
Information Management: Update on Implementation of the 1996 Electronic Freedom of Information Act Amendments, by Linda Koontz, Diane Publishing Co., December 2003.
Freedom of Information and the Right To Know: the Origins and Applications of the Freedom of Information Act, by Herbert N. Foerstel, Greenwood Publishing Group, 1999.
Freedom of Information Act, by Christopher N. Henry, Nova Science Publishers, April 2003. (Note: I don’t know anything about this volume)
Access Denied: Freedom of Information in the Information Age, edited by Charles N. Davis and Sigmund L. Splichal, Iowa State University Press, 2000.
Holding Back – There are Many Ways U.S. Government Agencies Thwart the Freedom of Information Act, by Jeffrey T. Richelson, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, vol. 59, no. 6, 2003, p. 26, 8 pp.
Secret Settlements: Do We Need a Sunshine in Litigation Act? By Andrew J. Schwaba, Wisconsin Lawyer, vol. 76, no. 10, October 2003, p. 10-11, 50-1.
Rhode Island’s Access to Public Records Act: An Application Gone Awry, by Michael W. Field, Roger Williams University Law Review, vol. 8, no. 2, Spring 2003, p. 293-352.
The Marriage of the False Claims Act and the Freedom of Information Act, Parasitic Potential or Positive Synergy?, by James Roy Moncus III, Vanderbilt Law Review, vol. 55, no. 5, 2002, p. 1549, 42 pp.
Public Information Provision in the Digital Age: Implementation and Effects of the U.S. Freedom of Information Act, M. Botterman, et al., Peace Research Abstracts vol. .39, no. 4, 2002, pages 459-605. (See this link to download a pdf copy of the book from the Rand Corporation.)
New Strategies for Enforcement of the Access to Information Act, by Alasdair Roberts. Queen’s Law Journal, vol. 27, no. 2, spring 2002, p. 647-82.
The Treatment of Contract Prices Under the Trade Secrets Act and the Freedom of Information Act Exemption 4: Are Contract Prices Really Trade Secrets? By Gregory H. McClure. Public Contract Law Journal, vol. 31, no. 2, Winter 2002, p. 185-235.
Preserving “Catalyst” Attorneys’ Fees Under the Freedom of Information Act in the Wake of Buckhannon Board and Care Home v. West Virginia Department of Health and Human Resources. By David Arkush. Harvard Civil Rights-Civil Liberties Law Review, vol. 37, no. 1, winter 2002, p. 131-57.
Freedom of Information Act Access to Documents of Private Contractors Doing the Public’s Business, by Greg Bass, Harry Hammitt, Clearinghouse Review, vol. 35, no. 9/10, Jan/Feb. 2002, p. 607-614.
The Freedom of Information Act vs. The IRS Confidentiality Statute: the Battle Continues, by Kendis J. Doss and Craig J. Langstraat. Oil, Gass & Energy Quarterly, vol. 51, no. 1, September 2002, p. 45-59.
FOIA Exemption Five: Will it Protect Government Scientists From Unfair Intrusion?, by Dianna G. Goldenson. Boston College Environmental Affairs Law Review, vol. 29, no. 2, 2002, p. 311-42.
Document Destruction Violates the FOIA, by Arthur H. Siegal, The Michigan Bar Journal, vol. 81, No. 3, March 2002, p. 14-17.
The Platypus and the Duck: Third-Party Trade Secrets and Confidential Information – the Canadian Access to Information Act and the U.S. Freedom of Information Act, by Stan F. Benda and Althea Francis. Canadian Intellectual Property Review, vol. 17, no. 2, April 2001, p. 453-91.
Responding to Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Requests for Contractor Post-Performance Evaluations. The Army Lawyer, vol. 2001, Nov. 2001, p. 41-47.
Stemming the Release of Commercially Valuable Information Under FOIA, by Stephen Gidiere and Lawrence P. Mellinger. Natural Resources & Environment, vol. 16, No. 1, Summer 2001, p. 288-91, 325-7. (an abridged and edited version of this article is here)
Freedom of Information and the Right to Know: the Origins and Applications of the Freedom of Information Act, by Harold C. Relyea, Journal of Academic Librarianship, vol. 27, no. 1, 2001, p. 59, 1 p
Research Uses of the U.S. Freedom of Information Act, Raymond M. Lee, Field Methods, vol. 13, no. 4, 2001, pages 370-391.
Speed Bumps on the Information Superhighway: a Study of Federal Agency Compliance With the Electronic Freedom of Information Act of 1996, by M. E. Halstuk, Communication Abstracts 24, no. 3, 2001.
DNA Analysis and the Freedom of Information Act: Information or Invasion?, by Carol Might. Oklahoma City University Law Review, vol. 26, no. 2, Summer 2001, p. 773-95.
The Department of Justice and the Explosion of Freedom of Information Act Litigation, by Robert L. Saloschin, Administrative Law Review, vol. 52, no. 4 (2000) p. 1401, 8 pp.
Engineering and the Law – When Does the Freedom of Information Act Apply to Privately Held Data Produced Under a Federal Grant, part I, IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Magazine, vol. 19, no. 4, 2000, p. 121, 4 pp.
Engineering and the Law – When Does the Freedom of Information Act Apply to Privately Held Data Produced Under a Federal Grant, part II, IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Magazine, vol. 19, no. 6, 2000, p. 120, 3 pp.
A Dangerous Precedent: The Influence of Critical Mass III on Exemption 4 of the Federal Freedom of Information Act, by Charles N. Davis, Communication Law and Policy, vol. 5, no. 2, 2000, p. 183.
Disclosure of Politically Sensitive species’ Location Information under the Freedom of Information Act: On whether Audubon Society’s “puzzling situation” should be addressed by legislation, by Keith T. Tashima. Brooklyn Law Review, vol. 66, no. 2, Summer Fall, 2000, p. 609-49.
Freedom of Information Act – Gun Ownership is Information of a Personal Nature and Disclosure of the Information Constitutes a Clearly Unwarranted Invasion of Individual Privacy, by Timothy L. Prochko. University of Detroit Mercy Law Review, vol. 77, no. 4, Summer 2000, p. 979-90.
Freedom of Information Act, The George Washington Law Review, vol. 68, no. 4, 2000, p. 748, 21 pp.
Freedom of Information Act, The George Washington Law Review, vol. 67, no. 4, 1999, p. 1033, 21 pp.
Privatization and the Freedom of Information Act: An Analysis of Public Access to Private Entities Under Federal Law, by Craig D. Feiser, Federal Communications Law Journal, vol. 52, no. 1, December 1, 1999, p. 21.
The Freedom of Information Act: Another Pond for Prior Art Fishing Expeditions, by Peter M. Midgley Jr., AIPLA Quarterly Journal, vol. 27, no. 1, Winter 1999, p. 77. (text of Introduction only)
Bits, Bytes, and the Right to Know: How the Electronic Freedom of Information Act Holds the key to Public Access to a Wealth of Useful Government Databases, by Martin E. Halstuk, Santa Clara Computer and High-Technology Law Journal, vol. 15, no. 1, January 1, 1999, p. 73.
Adventures in FOIA Land, by John J. Watkins. Arkansas Law Notes, vol. 1999, p. 111-26.
Freedom of Information Act, by Maurice Frankel, International Review of Law, Computers & Technology 12, no. 1, 1998, pages 121-146.
Ridding FOIA of those “Unanticipated Consequences”: Repaving a Necessary Road to Freedom, by Charles J. Wichmann III. Duke Law Journal, vol. 47, no. 6, April 1998, p. 1213-56.
Right to Privacy and Access to an Open Government, by Paullina Oros. European Public Lic, vol. 4, no. 1, March 1998, p. 21-30.
Field Service Advice Memoranda May be Obtained Under the Freedom of Information Act: Tax Analysts v. Internal Revenue Service (117 F.3d 607, DC Cir. 1997), by Kathleen C. Dale, The Tax lawyer, vol. 51, no. 2 (Winter 1998, p. 395-404.
Electronic Freedom of Information Act (Symposium), Administrative Law Review, vol. 50, no. 2, Spring 1998, p. 339-458.
The Electronic FOIA Amendments of 1996: Reformatting the FOIA for Online Access, by Patrick Leahy. Administrative Law Review, vol. 50, no. 2, Spring 1998, p. 339-44.
How the Electronic Freedom of Information Act Amendments of 1996 Update Public Access for the Information Age, by Michael E. Tankersley, Administrative Law Review, vol. 50, no. 2, 1998, p. 421, 38 pp.
Freedom of Information Act, The George Washington Law Review, vol. 66, no. 4, 1998, p. 996, 11 pp.
District Counsel Opinions are Subject to Freedom of Information Act disclosure, Taxation for Accountants, vol. 60, no. 5, 1998, p. 306.
E-FOIA and the “Mother of All Complaints”: Information Delivery and Delay Reduction, by Mark H. Grunewald. Administrative Law Review, vol. 50, no. 2, Spring 1998, p. 345-69.
Shortcomings of the Proposed Electronic Freedom of Information Improvement Act (S 1090), by Robert Gellman, Government Information Quarterly, vol. 14, no. 1, 1997, p. 1.
Freedom of Information Act/Privacy Act, the George Washington Law Review, vol. 65, no. 4-5, 1997, p. 792, 33 pp.
As I See it: An Amended Freedom of Information Act will Present a Damage Control Challenge to the Industry, by James G. Dickinson, Medical Marketing & Media, vol. 32, no. 3, 1997, p. 10, 4 pp.
“Did I Miss Anything?”: Excising the National Security Council from FOIA Coverage, by R. Kevin Bailey. Duke Law Journal, vol. 46, April 1997, p. 1475-517.
The Culture of Secrecy: the Answer Lies in a Freedom of Information Act, by S. Bell, the New Law Journal, no. 6734, 1996, p. 346. (London, England)
Revising the Freedom of Information Act for the Information Age: the Electronic Freedom of Information Act, by Jeffrey Norgle, Software Law Journal, vol. 14, no. 4, 1996, p. 817.
Recurring Themes in the Interpretation of the Commonwealth Freedom of Information Act, by Peter Bayne, Federal Law Review, vol. 24, 1996, p. 287-321. (Abstract)
Data Practices at the Cusp of the Millennium, by Donald A. Gemberling and Gary A. Weissman, William Mitchell Law Review, vol. 22, 1996, p. 767-838.
Freedom of Information and Confidentiality Under the Administrative Dispute Resolution Act, by Mark H. Grunewald, Administrative Law Journal of the American University, vol. 9, Winter 1996, pp. 985-1103.
Revitalizing the Sanctions Provision of the Freedom of Information Act Amendments of 1974, Paul M. Winters, The Georgetown Law Journal, vol. 84, no. 3, 1996, p. 617.
The Freedom of Information Act in the Information Age: the Electronic Challenge to the People’s Right to Know, by Thomas Elton Brown, The American Archivist, vol. 58, no. 2, 1995, p. 202, 10 pp.
Recent Developments Regarding the Freedom of Information Act: a Prologue to a Farce or a Tragedy; or Perhaps Both, by Amy E. Rees, Duke Law Journal, 44, no. 6, 1995, p. 1183.
Conflicting Values and Laws: Understanding the Paradox of the Privacy Act and the Freedom of Information Act, by Dean J. Spader, The Legal Studies Forum, vol. 19, no. 1, 1995, p. 21.
Freedom Watch, by Tim Sandler, The Boston Phoenix, vol. 24, no. 9, March 3, 1995, p. 8.
Exemption 7D of the Freedom of Information Act – the Evidentiary Showing the Government Must Make to Establish that a source is confidential, the Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology, vol. 84, no. 4, Winter 1994, p. 1041.
The Right to Privacy and the Public’s Right to Know: the Central Purpose of the Freedom of Information Act, by Fred H. Cate, D. Annette Field and James K. McBain, Administrative Law Review, vol. 46, no. 1, Winter 1994, p. 41.
Freedom of Information Act Response Deadlines: Bridging the Gap Between Legislative Intent and Economic Reality, by Eric J. Sinrod, The American University Law Review, vol. 43, no. 2, Winter 1994, p. 325.
Freedom of Information Act “Working Papers” Exemption Applies not only to Officeholder Personally but to Staff Members and Private Consultants as well, by Robert William Schroeder III, University of Arkansas at Little Rock Law Journal, volume 16, 1994, p. 313-25.
Reinventing a Less Vigorous Freedom of Information Act: the Aftermath of Critical Mass Energy Project v. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (975 F.2d 871), by Scott Raber, Annual Survey of American Law, vol. 1994 (April 1994).
Agencies are not Entitled to a Presumption of Confidentiality in Most Exemption 7D Claims made Pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act – United States Department of Justice v. Landano, 113 S.Ct. 2014 (1993), by Tamara M. Burke, Seton Hall Law Review, vol. 24, 1994, p. 1610-35.
Using the Freedom of Information Act as a Discovery Device, by John J. Watkins, Arkansas Law Notes, vol. 1994, p. 59-71.
A Comparison of Official Secrets and Access to Information in Great Britain and the United States. By Ann L. Plamondon, Communications and the Law, vol. 16, June 1994, p. 51-68.
Blank Slate, by Paul Starobin, National Journal, vol. 26, no. 4, January 22, 1994, p. 191.
Glomar (Phillippi v. CIA, 546 F.2d 1009 (1976)), Denials Under FOIA: a Problematic Privilege and a Proposed Alternative Procedure of Review, by John Y. Gotando. University of Pittsburgh Law Review, vol. 56, Fall 1994, p. 165-85.
The Administration and Operation of the Freedom of Information Act: a Retrospective, by Harold C. Relyea, Government Information Quarterly, vol. 11, no. 3, 1994, p. 285.
Freedom of Information Act, Liability Reporter, 1994, no. 264, December 1994, p. 187.
An End to An FBI General Presumption of Confidentiality Under Freedom of Information Act Exemption 7(D), by Andrew O. Martyniuk, University of Cincinnati Law Review, vol. 63, Fall 1994, p. 523-63.
Applying the Freedom of Information Act in the Immigration Context, by Eric J. Sinrod and Leslie E. Wolf, Immigration Briefings, vol. 1994, Dec. 1994, p. 1-39.
Public Access to the Records of the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation Under the Archives Act 1993, Vince Morabito, The Sydney Law Review, vol. 17, September 1994, p. 406-32.
Reining in the Glomar Response: Reducing CIA Abuse of the Freedom of Information Act, by Danae J. Aitchison, U.C. Davis Law Review, volume 27, Fall 1993, p. 219-54.
FOIA v. Federal Sector Labor Law: Which “Public Interest” Prevails?, by Karl J. Sanders, University of Cincinnati Law Review, vol. 62, Fall 1993, p. 787-821.
The Impact of FOIA After Critical Mass (Critical Mass Energy Project v. NRC, 975 F.2d 871 (1992)), by Rocco J. Maffei, Public Contract Law Journal, vol. 22, Summer 1993, p. 757-63.
Privacy Gaining Heft As an FOIA Exemption, by Deckle McLean, Communications and the Law, vol. 15, March 1993, p. 25-46.
Parallel Issues and Comparable Solutions for the Depository Library Program and the Freedom of Information Act, by Shannon E. Martin, Communications and the law, vol 15, no. 3 September 1993, pp. 21-36.
Balancing Copyright Protection with Disclosure Under the Freedom of Information Act, Suzanne E. Tomkins, Communications and the Law, vol. 15, no. 2, June 1993, pp. 71 – .
The Early Years of the Freedom of Information Act, 1955-1974, by Sam Archibald, PS: Political Science and Politics, XXVI, no. 4, Dec. 1993, p. 726.
What Lies in the Public Interest? A Legal History of Official Secrets in Britain. by Barbara Ann Hocking, Queensland University of Technology Law Journal, vol. 9, 1993, p. 31-60.
The Federal Court and the Access to Information Act, by Tom Onyshko. Manitoba Law Journal, vol. 22 (1993), p. 73-144 (Canada).
Freedom of Information Act Does Not Provide Full Disclosure, Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, vol. 201, no. 3, August 1, 1992, p. 378.
The Freedom of Information Act and Sociological Research, Mike Forrest Keen, The American Sociologist, Vol. 23, no. 2, Summer 1992, p. 43.
Secrecy Orders and Government Litigants: “a Northwest Passage around the Freedom of Information Act”?, by Janice Toran, Georgia Law Review, volume 27, Fall 1992, p. 121-82.
Tax data Disclosure Under the Freedom of Information Act: Evolution, issues and analysis, by Mark A. Segal, Akron Tax Journal, volume 9, 1992, p. 79-95.
Toeing the Line in the Ninth Circuit: Proper Agency Justification of FOIA Exemptions Clarified in Weiner v. FBI (943 F.2d 972 (1991))., by Elizabeth A. Vitell, DePaul Law Review vol. 42, Winter 1992, p. 795-833.
Analysis of the Computer Security Act of 1987 and its Consequences for the Freedom of Information Act. Shannon E. Martin, communications and the Law, vol. 14, Sept. 1992 (p. 73-90.
Judicial Deference and De Novo Review in Litigation Over National Security Information Under the Freedom of Information Act, by Robert P. Deyling. Villanova Law Review, vol. 37, 1992 p. 67-112.
The Computerization of Government Information: Does it Circumvent Public Access Under the Freedom of Information Act and the Depository Library Program?, Columbia Journal of Law and Social Problems, vol. 24, 1991, p. 267-98.
A Regulation in Search of a Rationale: an Empirical Study of Consumer Product Safety Act Section 6(b) and its Effect on Information Disclosure Under the Freedom of Information Act, by Frances E. Zollers, and David Barry. Administrative Law Review, volume 43, Summer 1991, p. 455-72.
Collective Bargaining in the Federal Public Sector: Disclosing Employee Names and Addresses Under Exemption 6 of the Freedom of Information Act, Michigan Law Review, Volume 89, February 1991, p. 980-1007.
The Freedom of Information Act: Competing Interests in the Supreme Court, Annual Survey of American Law, vol. 1990 (December 1991, p. 497-530.
New York Times v. NASA (920 F.2d 1002): Troubled Skies Ahead For the Freedom of Information Act. Western State University Law Review, vol. 19 (Fall 1991), pp. 325-43.
The Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act: a Roadmap for Requesters, by Grant A. Huscroft. The Advocates’ Quarterly, vol. 11 (July 1990) p. 436-92. (Canada)
A Practitioner’s Guide to “Confidential Commercial and Financial Information” and the Freedom of Information Act, by Robert B. Kelso, The Army Lawyer, vol. 1990, pp. 10-17.
Freedom of Information and its impact on Business Entities in the 1990s, by Mitchell W. Pearlman. Connecticut Bar Journal, vol. 64, special issue, May 1990, pp. 202-219.
Freedom of Expression v. National Security: the Pivotal Role of the Freedom of Information Act, by Richard A. Parker, Free Speech Yearbook vol. 28, 1990, pp. 132-51.
A Further Step Toward a New Exemption 7 of the Freedom of Information Act: John Doe Agency v. John Doe Corporation, 110 S.Ct. 471. Creighton Law Review, vol. 24, December 1990, pp. 267-88.
The Freedom of Information in the Electronic Age: the Statute is Not User Friendly, by Jamie A. Grodsky. Jurimetrics, vol. 31, Fall 1990, pp. 17-51.
The Supreme Court’s narrow Reading of the Public Interest Served by the Freedom of Information Act, University of Cincinnati Law Review, vol. 59, 1990, p. 191-211.
A Preliminary Analysis of the Implementation of the Freedom of Information Reform Act of 1986, by Richard L. Huff. The Army Lawyer, Vol. 1989, January 1989, p. 7-15.
De Novo Review in Reverse Freedom of Information Act Suits, Ohio State Law Journal, vol. 50, 1989, pp. 1307-25.
The Availability of Decisions and Precedents in Agency Adjudications: the Impact of the Freedom of Information Act Publication Requirements, by Margaret Gilhooley. Administrative Law Journal, Washington, DC, vol.3, Spring 1989, pp. 53-93.
Informal Agency Decision-making – Problems of Delay and Public Information. Administrative Law Journal, Washington, DC, vol. 3, Spring 1989, p. 1-93.
Access to Federally Funded Research Data Under the Freedom of Information Act, by Edward C. Walterscheid. Rutgers Computer and Technology Law Journal, vol. 15, 1989, p. 1-61.
Alyeska Pipeline Service Co. v. EPA (856 F.2d 309): EPA’s Need to Protect its Confidential Sources Versus its Duty to Disclose Under the Freedom of Information Act. Pace Environmental Law Review vol. 7, Fall 1989, pp. 271-86.
The Federal Presentence Investigation Report: Postsentence Disclosure Under the Freedom of Information Act, by Carol Shockley, Administrative Law Review, vol. 40, Winter 1988, pp. 79-119.
Military Aviation Mishaps: the Right to Know under the Freedom of Information Act v. the need for Safety Privilege, Western State University Law Review, vol. 16, Fall 1988, pp. 287-301.
The Freedom of Information Act 1982 and its Effect on Business Related Information and Confidential Information in the Possession of Commonwealth Agencies, by James Elliott, Monash University Law Review, vol. 14, September 1988, pp. 186-230. (Australia)
Freedom of Information Act Dispute Resolution, by Mark H. Grunewald, Administrative Law Review, vol 40, Winter 1988, pp. 1-65.
Freedom of Information and the University, by Michael Taggart, Otago Law Review vol. 6, 1988, pp. 638-63.
IRS Confidentiality vs. Freedom of Information Act: the Clash Continues, by Craig J. Langstraat, Santa Clara Law Review, vol. 28, winter 1988, pp. 29-41.
Tilting the Balance in Favor of Disclosure: the Scope of the Medical Records Exemption to the Federal Freedom of Information Act, by Alvin J. Lorman, Daniel R. Johnson and Daniel F. O’Keefe. Food Drug Cosmetic Law Journal, vol. 43, Jan. 1988, p. 17-32.
The Privacy Act and the Freedom of Information Act: Conflict and Resolution, by Thomas M. Susman, The John Marshall Law Review, volume 21, Summer 1988, p. 703-33.
Freedom of Information and the CIA Information Act, by Karen A. Winchester and James W. Zirkel, University of Richmond Law Review, vol. 21, Winter 1987, pp. 231-302.
The Implementation of the Consumer Product Safety Act, Section 6b and the Conflict with the Freedom of Information Act Policies, Frances E. Zollers, Administrative Law Review, vol. 39, Winter 1987, pp. 61-81.
Defining the CIA’s Intelligence Sources as an Exception to the Freedom of Information Act – CIA v. Sims, 105 S.Ct. 1881, Western New England Law Review, vol. 9, 1987, pp. 333-360.
Threshold Requirements for the FBI under Exemption 7 of the Freedom of Information Act, Michigan Law Review, vol. 86, December 1987, pp. 620-45.
The Freedom of Information Act: a Viable Alternative to the Federal Rules?, by Jacques E. Soiret, The Trial Lawyer’s Guide, vol. 29, Winter 1986, pp. 484-97.
Freedom of Information Act: CIA v. Sims, 105 S. Ct. 1881, the CIA is given broad powers to withhold the identities of intelligence sources, UMKC Law Review vol. 54, Winter 1986, pp. 332-43.
Risky Business: Protecting Government Contract Information Under the Freedom of Information Act, by Thomas M. Susman, Public Contract Law Journal, vol. 16, August 1986, pp. 15-29.
National Security: Information, Accountability and the Canadian Security Intelligence Service, by Murray Rankin, University of Toronto Law Journal, vol. 36, Summer 1986, pp. 249-85.
Freedom of Information Act: CIA’s Right to Nondisclosure Broadened by Liberal Definition of Intelligence Source (CIA v. Sims, 105 S.Ct. 1881), Washburn Law Journal, vol. 25, Spring 1986, pp. 586-597.
Advisors and Secrets: the Role of Agency Confidentiality in the Federal Advisory Committee Act, by James T. O’Reilly, Northern Kentucky Law Review, vol. 13, 1986, pp. 27-49.
The Freedom of Information Act and the Commercial Activities Program, by Steven M. Post, the Army Lawyer, vol. 1986, May 1986, pp. 9-15.
The Freedom of Information Act in Air Crash Discovery: Friend of Foe? The Journal of Air Law and Commerce, vol. 52, Winter 1986, pp. 479-98.
Pro se complainants and the Freedom of Information Act: Neglected, Not Rejected, Administrative Law Review, vol. 37, Winter 1985, pp. 15-36.
The Freedom of Information Act and the IRS Confidentiality Statute: a Proper Analysis, Unviersity of Cincinnati Law Review vol. 54, 1985, pp. 605-29.
Meeting the Agency Burden Under the Confidential Source Exemption to the Freedom of Information Act, Washington Law Review, vol. 60, Sept. 1985, pp. 873-87.
Time Limits Under the Freedom of Information Act: Another Problematic New Property Reform, by karen Czapanskiy by Maryland Law Review, vol. 44, 1985, pp. 38-64.
The Freedom of Information Act Privacy Exemption: Who Does it Really Protect?, by Kimera Maxwell and Roger Reinsch, Communications and the Law, vol. 7, April 1985, pp. 45-59.
The Freedom of Information Act: a Fundamental Contradiction, the American University Law Review, vol. 34, Summer 1985, pp. 1157-89.
United States v. Weber Aircraft Corporation, 104 S.Ct. 1488, Exemption Five of the Freedom of Information Act in Military Aircrash Cases, UWLA Law Review, vol. 17, 1985, pp. 155-78.
The Privacy Act as a Partial Repeal of the Freedom of Information Act, Thurgood marshall Law Review, volume 10, Spring 1985, pp. 429-48.
Awarding Fees to the Self-Represented Attorney under the Freedom of Information Act, the George Washington Law Review, vol. 53, January 1985, pp. 291-309.
A control test for determining “agency record” status under the Freedom of Information Act, Columbia Law Review, vol. 85, April 1985, pp. 611-31.
CIA v. Sims (105 S. Ct. 1881): Supreme Court Deference to Agency Interpretation of FOIA Exemption 3, Catholic University Law Review, vol. 35, Fall 1985, p. 279-306.
Who Wants to Know? Businesses are Pushing for FOIA Reform so They’ll Know Who is Getting Their Records From the Government, by Angus Mackenzie, California Lawyer, vol. 5, April 1985, p. 38-43.
Use of the Freedom of Information Act for Discovery Purposes, by Edward A. Tomlinson, Maryland Law Review, vol. 43, 1984, pp. 119-202.
The Government’s Commercial Data Privilege Under Exemption Five of the Freedom of Information Act, Steven W. Feldman, Military Law Review, vol. 105, Summer 1984, pp. 125-43, also published in the Public Contract Law Journal, vol. 15, Aug. 1984, pp. 122-37.
Administrative Alternatives and the Federal Freedom of Information Act, Robert G. Vaughn, Ohio State Law Journal, vol. 45, 1984, pp. 185-214.
Fair Administration of the Freedom of Information Act After the Computer Revolution, Computer Law Journal, vol. 5, Summer 1984, pp. 51-76.
The Freedom of Information Act: a Short Case Study in the Perils and Paybacks of Legislating Democratic Values, by Patricia M. Wald, Emory Law Journal, vol. 33, Summer 1984, pp. 649-83.
The First Amendment Goes Undercover: a Constitutional Analysis of the Intelligence Identities Protection Act of 1982, Boston University International Law Journal, vol. 2, Summer 1984, pp. 495-511.
FOIA Exemption 3 and the CIA: An Approach to End the Confusion and Controversy. Minnesota Law Review, vol. 68, June 1984, p. 1231-63.
National Security Information Disclosure Under the FOIA: the Need For Effective Judicial Enforcement, Boston College Law Review, vol. 25, May 1984, p. 611-43.
The Uses of FOIA and FOIL, by David Jacoby. Trial Lawyers Quarterly, vol. 16, 1984, p. 12-20.
Fee Awards for Pro Se Attorney and Nonattorney Plaintiffs under the Freedom of Information Act, Fordham Law Review, vol. 52, December 1983, p. 374-98.
Freedom of Information Act – Law Enforcement Exemption May Prevent Disclosure of Records not Compiled for Law Enforcement Purposes, Tulane Law Review, vol. 57, June 1983, p. 1564-76.
An agency’s unpublished time of request cutoff date for searching its files for records requested under the FOIA is invalid as unreasonable unless exceptional circumstances are shown; all records in an agency’s possession, whether created by the agency itself or by another agency, are agency records – McGehee v. Central Intelligence Agency, 697 F.2d 1095, University of Cincinnati Law Review, vol. 52, 1983, p. 921-35.
Privacy Act Exemption j(2) does not Specifically Preclude Disclosure of information Within Meaning of Exemption 3 of the Freedom of Information Act – Greentree v. U.S. Customs Service, 674 F.2d 74, Temple Law Quarterly, vol. 56, 1983, pp. 127-61.
Freedom of Information Act – Investigatory Records Exemption – summarized or Reproduced Information Retains Exemption, Wayne Law Review, vol. 29, Spring 1983, pp. 1269-84.
Judicial Erosion of the Standard of Public Disclosure of Investigatory Records Under the FOIA After FBI v. Abramson (102 S. Ct. 2054). Howard Law Journal vol. 26, 1983, p. 1614-44.
FBI v. Abramson (102 S. Ct. 2054) and the FOIA: exemption seven shields political records. Suffolk University Law Review, vol. 17, Fall 1983, p. 748-75.
Discovery of Government Attorney Work Product Under the FOIA. Kentucky Law Journal, vol. 71, 1982-83, p. 919-931.
Greentree v. United States Customs Service, 674 F.2d 74): a misinterpretation of the relationship between FOIA exemption 3 and the Privacy Act, Boston University Law Review, vol. 63, March 1983, p. 507-31.
A Well-Kept Secret: Information Adjudication in the Copyright Office – a Freedom of Information Act Violation, Administrative Law Review, vol. 35, Winter 1983, pp. 133-46.
Exemptions Under the Freedom of Information Act: An Official’s Viewpoint, by A.D. Rose, Federal Law Review, vol. 14, December 1983, pp. 137-42.
Exemptions Under the Freedom of Information Act, 1982, by Peter Bayne, Federal Law Review, vol. 14, Sept. 1983, pp. 67-135.
Access to Government Information: A Seminar, Federal Law Review, vol. 14, Sept. 1983, pp. 1-135.
The Freedom of Information Act: a Time for Change? Detroit College of Law Review, vol. 1983, Spring 1983, pp. 171-98.
National Security, Law Enforcement, and Business Secrets Under the Freedom of Information Act: A Program, by Richard .B. Smith, Reuben B. Robertson, William H. Webster, and others, The Business Lawyer, vol. 38, Feb. 1983, pp. 707-39.
Exemption Two of FOIA Protects Law Enforcement Manuals From Disclosure – Crooker v. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco & Firearms, 670 F.2d 1051. Seton Hall Law Review, vol. 12, 1982, p. 896-915.
Your business, your trade screts and your government: a seminar on protection and obtaining commercial information from the government. Administrative Law Review, vol. 34, Spring 1982, p. 107-206.
Crooker v. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco & Firearms (670 F.2d 1051): a Result-Oriented Approach to FOIA Exemption 2. Catholic University Law Review, vol. 32, Fall 1982, p. 317-43.
Reverse Freedom of Information Litigation in a Non-Commercial Setting: the Case of Professor Doe, by Lawrence A. Silver, Cleveland State Law Review, vol. 31, Summer 1982, p. 455-493.
The Freedom of Information Act and the CIA: How S. 1235 will Enhance Our Nation’s Security, by Alfonse M. D’Amato and Antonia M. Greenman, Journal of Legislation, vol. 9, summer 1982, pp. 179-193.
The Disclosure and Reproduction of Copyrighted Agency Records Under the Freedom of Information Act, Santa Clara Law Review vol. 22, spring 1982, pp. 513-35.
Governmental Disclosure of Business Information Under the Freedom of Information Act: Litigation and Proposed Legislation after Chrysler Corp. v. Brown, 99 S. Ct. 1705, Ohio Northern University Law Review vol. 9, July 1982, pp. 465-88.
Freedom of Information Act: Lawyers Discover a New Discovery Tool, by Myron L. Dale, Trial vol. 18, August 1982, pp. 36-39.
The Freedom of Information Act and the Central Intelligence Agency’s Paper Chase: A Need for Congressional Action to Maintain Essential Secrecy for Intelligence Files while preserving the public’s right to know, by Patrick E. Cole, the Notre Dame Law Review, vol. 58, December 1982, pp. 350-81.
The Freedom of Information Act: A Case Against Amendment, by David L. Sobel, Journal of Contemporary Law, vol. 8, 1982, pp. 47-61.
Regaining a Confidence: Protection of Business Confidential Data Through Reform of the Freedom of Information Act, by James T. O’Reilly, Administrative Law Review, vol. 34, Spring 1982, pp. 263-313.
Protecting Business Secrets Under the Freedom of Information Act: managing exemption 4, by Russell B. Stevenson, Administrative Law Review, vol. 34, Spring 1982, pp. 207-61.
Catch 7A: the Plaintiff’s Burden Under the Freedom of Information Act, by Don Lively, Villanova Law Review, vol. 28, November 1982, pp. 75-100
Freedom of Information Act – pro se litigants are not eligible for an award of attorney fees, Cummingham v. FBI, 664 F.2d 383, Villanova Law Review, Vol. 27, September 1982, pp. 1244-64.
Pro Se Litigant’s Eligibility for Attorney Fees Under FOIA: Crooker v. United States Department of Justice, 632 F.2d 916. St. John’s Law Review vol. 55, Spring 1981, p. 520-38.
The Impact of FOIA on Scientific Research Grantees, Columbia Journal of Law and Social Problems, vol. 17, 1981, p. 1-44.
Public Interest Privilege: from Crown Privilege to FOIA. Arizona Law Review, vol. 23, 1981. P. 1131-46.
No Improper Withholding if records are Removed from Agency Prior to Freedom of Information Act Request, Kissinger v. Reporter’s Committee for Freedom of the Press, 100 S. Ct. 960, Santa Clara Law Review, vol. 21, 1981, pp. 1161-70.
The Freedom of Information Act of 1966: a Legislative History Analysis, Law Library Journal, vol. 74, Spring 1981, pp. 231-80.
Disclosure of Federal Official’s Documents Under the Freedom of Information Act: A Limited Application, Houston Law Review, vol. 18, March 1981, pp. 641-54.
Applying the Freedom of Information Act to Tax Return Information, The Georgetown Law Journal, vol. 69, June 1981, pp. 1283-307.
The Definition of Agency Under the Freedom of Information Act as Applied to Federal Consultants and Grantees, The Georgetown Law Journal, vol. 69, June 1981, pp. 1223-55.
Information Disclosure in Civil Actions: the Freedom of Information Act and the Federal Discovery Rules, Janice Toran, The George Washington, Law Review, vol. 49, August 1981, pp. 843-72.
Freedom of Information Act – Agency Under No Duty to Retrieve Wrongfully Removed Records, Wayne Law Review, vol. 27, Spring 1981, pp. 1315-32.
Exemption 7C of the Freedom of Information Act (1974): its Legislative History and a Case Analysis, by Landon P. Snell, III, The Air Force Law Review, vol. 22, 1980-81, p. 390-417.