Year archives: 2002
LLRXBuzz – December 23, 2002
Tara Calishain is the co-author of Official Netscape Guide to Internet Research, 2nd Edition, and author or co-author of four other books. She is the owner of CopperSky Writing & Research.
LLRXBuzz – December 16, 2002
Tara Calishain is the co-author of Official Netscape Guide to Internet Research, 2nd Edition, and author or co-author of four other books. She is the owner of CopperSky Writing & Research.
LLRXBuzz – December 9, 2002
Tara Calishain is the co-author of Official Netscape Guide to Internet Research, 2nd Edition, and author or co-author of four other books. She is the owner of CopperSky Writing & Research.
LLRXBuzz – December 2, 2002
Tara Calishain is the co-author of Official Netscape Guide to Internet Research, 2nd Edition, and author or co-author of four other books. She is the owner of CopperSky Writing & Research.
Guide on the Side – How to Organize the Body of a Speech
Previous Articles by Marie Wallace
Marie Wallace has enjoyed a fulfilling career as a librarian, beginning in 1951 in academia with the University of California and transitioning in 1971 into the private law library world until her 1995 retirement from O’Melveny & Myers. She is the 1997 recipient of the American Association of Law Libraries‘ highest honor, the Marian Gould Gallagher Distinguished Service Award. Throughout her professional life, Marie has been a guiding force in the Southern California Association of Law Libraries, Practising Law Institute’s programs for law librarians and Teaching Legal Research in Private Law Libraries (TRIPLL).
Latest Links
Margaret Berkland is the president of Data Vision Design, Inc., which specializes in providing IT solutions to the legal community. Founded in Fredericksburg, VA in 1989, Data Vision Design, Inc. provides services that include: applications development, business process design, applications integration, electronic file tracking and, access expedition. Prior to becoming the president of DataVision Design, Inc., Margaret was the Info. Resources Technology Specialist for McKenna & Cuneo .
Published December 2, 2002
Features – The Indonesian Legal System: An Overview
The Indonesian Legal System: An Overview
Dr. Benny S. Tabalujan (BEc LLB Monash LLM PhD Melbourne Barrister & Solicitor) is an Indonesian by birth and was educated in Jakarta, Singapore and Melbourne. He worked with prominent law firms in Melbourne and Hong Kong before joining the Nanyang Business School in Singapore, where he is currently an associate professor in business law. Among his published works are: Indonesian Company Law: A Translation & Commentary (Sweet & Maxwell Asia, 1997) and Singapore Business Law, 2nd ed (BusinessLaw Asia, 2000; 3rd ed., forthcoming in 2003). Benny is also the principal consultant in charge of content for Indobizlaw Online, which offers online access to key Indonesian business legislation in Indonesian and English. Published December 2, 2002
ResearchRoundup – Federal and State Election Resources — Updated
Kathy Biehl is a member of the State Bar of Texas and co-author of the Lawyer’s Guide to Internet Research. Formerly in private practice, she is an author, researcher and consultant in the New York City area.