Features – German Business and Commercial Laws: Guide to Translations into English and Select Auxiliary Sources
German Business and Commercial Laws: Guide to Translations into English and Select Auxiliary Sources
By Martina Kammer
German Business and Commercial Laws: Guide to Translations into English and Select Auxiliary Sources
By Martina Kammer
Attorney and author Kathy Biehl practiced law privately in Houston, Texas for 18½ years before relocating to New York City in 1998. She has taught legal research and writing at the University of Houston Law Center and business law at Rice University. A member of the State Bar of Texas, she earned a B.A. with highest honors from Southern Methodist University and a J.D. with honors from the University of Texas School of Law, where she was a member of Texas Law Review and Order of the Coif. She is co-author of The Lawyer’s Guide to Internet Research (Scarecrow Press, Nov. 2000), with Tara Calishain.
International Commercial Arbitration: Locating the Resources The most recent version of this article is available at //www.llrx.com/features/arbitration2.htm. You will be automatically redirected to that page shortly.
By Jean M. Wenger
The Supreme Court Enters the Internet Age: The Court and Technology
By Roy M. Mersky and Kumar Percy
Tobe Liebert is Director of Public Services at the Tarlton Law Library at the University of Texas at Austin.