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Marcus P. Zillman, M.S., A.M.H.A., eSolutions Architect and Executive Director of the Virtual Private Library, is an international Internet expert, author, keynote speaker and corporate consultant in the area of information retrieval, knowledge discovery, knowledge harvesting, artificial intelligence and bots/intelligent agents. He has created numerous world wide web sites including 51 Subject Tracer™ Information Portals and Blogs; written a number of internet miniguides, white papers and books; hosted over 160 weekly Internet television shows, writes a weekly and monthly column on Current Awareness on the Internet; writes a monthly newsletter, Awareness Watch, and delivers keynote presentations throughout the international marketplace. He also actively delivers one and two day workshops for key industry sectors displaying how the Internet can be used as a tool to maintain current awareness and professional competencies. Additional links: Marcus P. Zillman's Blog.