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Elisa Mason is an information specialist currently undertaking independent research projects in the field of refugee and forced migration studies. She has worked with the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and the Forced Migration Online (FMO) project at Oxford University's Refugee Studies Centre (RSC). Elisa has also written and published a number of articles on refugee and forced migration issues. She maintains a blog at

Guide to International Refugee Law Resources on the Web

This updated research guide by Elisa Mason directs readers to some of the key texts and resources available on the Web that can help shed light on, and provide a context for, many of the issues currently being deliberated in the refugee law arena. The guide covers international and regional instruments, human rights and humanitarian law, international bodies (especially the UNHCR), national legislation, case law, and periodicals.

Subjects: Features, Human Rights, International Legal Research, Refugees