Write for LLRX.com
LLRX.com, established in 1996, is the premier free webzine for law, business, news, and special librarians, lawyers, researchers, paralegals, law students and members of the legal profession (whether they work in IT, management, KM or any one of a range of expert capacities), on leveraging the best of the web, its resources, services and vast communities, to enhance your work. LLRX.com’s articles focus on areas that include: reviews, commentary and analysis of services, products, tools, gadgets and applications that facilitate research, departmental and office related management and communications, marketing and client development within and outside the enterprise, knowledge management, training and presentations.
LLRX.com’s content is authored by the same target audience who encompass our readership, and includes authoritative, reliable and regularly updated resources from professionals throughout North America and around the world.
LLRX.com is always looking for new contributors and articles, as well as columns and regular updates as well. Would you like to share with the greater community: a presentation, text of a speech or a paper from a recent conference or seminar; an annotated bibliography, law review article, editorial, book review, commentary or guide on a current issue that relates to law and legislation, technology or research? Ideas are always welcome.
Do not hesitate to contact [email protected] with your ideas and suggestions. LLRX.com’s regular readership represents one of the most loyal, focused, expert and technology savvy online communities on the web, and they would welcome hearing from you.
Submission Guidelines
Article length can range from 500 to 10,000 words. Content, sourcing and relevance are the key factors, so please contact Sabrina with your suggestions, and she will work with you to develop and edit your content to maximize its presentation value.
Send articles, ideas, suggestions and any questions to: [email protected]. Submissions are accepted in Word, text or HTML format (no PDF). Please include relevant, related URLs to content in your submission.
LLRX.com does not pay for contributions, and prefers to be the first publisher of original materials, but will also consider publishing content for which the author maintains copyright.
Thank you, and I look forward to hearing from you.
Sabrina I. Pacifici
Founder, Editor, Publisher