Category «Government Resources»

Extras – Finding Federal, State and Local Governments on the Web

Gloria Miccioli has been a law librarian for 20 years. Her specialty is research. She has worked as Government Documents/Reference Librarian at the Jacob Burns Law Library of the George Washington University Law School; as Senior Research Librarian for Williams & Connolly; and is currently International Librarian for Jones, Day, Reavis & Pogue’s D.C. office, where she provides expert research services for the firm’s overseas offices.

Subjects: Extras, Government Resources

Features – Electronic Rule Making: Broadcast List Servers, Hypertext Manuscripts, Proprietary Formats and Tagged Email

Electronic Rule Making: Broadcast List Servers, Hypertext Manuscripts, Proprietary Formats and Tagged Email By Phillip A. McAfee, Esq.

Phillip A. McAfee is an attorney with a Masters Degree in Health Law from Loyola University in Chicago. He is also the owner of the Health Hippo Web site, which has provided deep and extensive links to government documents related to health law, policy and regulation since 1996.

Subjects: Features, Government Resources