Margaret Berkland is the president of Data Vision Design, Inc., which specializes in providing IT solutions to the legal community. Founded in Fredericksburg, VA in 1989, Data Vision Design, Inc. provides services that include: applications development, business process design, applications integration, electronic file tracking and, access expedition. Prior to becoming the president of DataVision Design, Inc., Margaret was the Info. Resources Technology Specialist for McKenna & Cuneo, where she still performs those duties on a contract basis. Margaret is the Web Master for McKenna & Cuneo’s Web site. allows you to search a combined database of twenty plus reference works. The searchable titles are categorized under such topics as etiquette, parliamentary procedure, quotations, English usage, and Roget’s thesauri to list a few. You can search by topic or by specific reference.
Environmental Maps (E-Maps)
This site is produced by US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). Scalable maps for HUD-funded activities throughout the U.S. and select EPA information for the same neighborhoods can be produced here. The information is derived from information from HUD’s community development and housing programs and the Environmental Protection Agency’s environmental data. Maps are produced by selecting map type and entering zip code or city and state. Ten types of E-maps can be produced. The site has suffered from slowness due to heavy traffic.
Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS)
This site provides topically arranged annotated links to 85+ websites with free information concerning handling various materials. There is an explanation of an MSDS and two examples of an MSDS’s. The MSDS HyperGlossary “explains all those mysterious words and concepts on MSDS’s.” There is a useful MSDS FAQ and the nifty MS-Demystifier that “converts your MSDS’s into hperlinked documents that explain every term.”
NSF International
NSF International is an Occupational Health and Safety (OSHA) Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory. NSF International tests products, conducts certification services, and develops standards specifically in the fields of public health safety and environmental protection. Some of the products covered are plumbing system components, bottled water, drinking water treatment components, packaged ice, and bakery products. You can search the databases using one or more of the following terms: brand name, material type, product type, product function, plant location, product standard, or manufacturer.
Virtual International Business & Economic Sources (VIBES)
VIBES “provides over 1,600 links to Internet sources of international business and economic information. . .” The sources are in English and they are free. There are full-text files of recent articles and research reports, statistical tables and graphs, and pages with links to other sources. The site is divided into three sections: Comprehensive (all parts of the world), Regional (one continent or region), and National (one nation).