Information Innovator’s Institute |
(Archived May 17, 1999)
New Rules for the New Economy: 10 Radical Strategies for a Connected World, by Kevin Kelly. Recommended by Jesse Berst as one of the Tech Books You *Need* to Read. |
Evaluate Content and Format
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PC World News – Microsoft Targets Electronic Books
PC World New E-Books The End of the Guttenberg Era
Rocket eBook – Rocket eBook Home
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PLL Perspectives, p. 6, v.10 #2, Winter 1999.Presentation Technology – The Evolution of the Internet will Change how we Present
Searching (and Learning) as a Way of Life
http://www.google.comZDNet University
Quotes From “New Rules”
The new economy is about communication.
We are connecting everything to everything.
The net is the total collective interaction of a trillion objects and living beings, linked together through air and glass. This is the net that begets the network economy.
No one is as smart as everyone.
Maximize the opportunities of others.
As more of the economy migrates to intangibles, more of the economy will require standards.
The joy of the new economy is that the next version is almost free; the bane is that no one wants the hassle of upgrading to it, even if you pay them to do it.
Feed the web first.
Feeding the web first means ignoring state-of-the-art advances, and choosing instead the highest common denominator-the highest quality that is widely accepted.
Apply an embedded standard.
Whenever you need to make a technological decision, if you err on the side of choosing the more connected, the more open system, the more widely linked standard, you will always be right.
Consumers will groan under the load of decisions.
Don’t invest in Esperanto. No matter how superior another way of doing something is, it can’t displace an embedded standard like English. Avoid any scheme that requires the purchase of brand new protocols when usable ones are widely adopted.
Don’t mistake a clear view for a short distance.
It’s a rare leader who can creatively destroy as well as relentlessly build. You are in charge of devolving. Everyone is.
The potential of disintermediation…looms larger than the actuality at the moment, and casts a large and frightening shadow. Everywhere networks go, intermediaries follow.
Create what the customer wants. Sometimes this will mean simple customization.
Anticipate what the customer wants.
Expertise now resides in fanatical customers. The world’s best experts on your product or servie don’t work for your company. They are your customers..
Technology brings us an increase in opportunities.
The question for each worker is not “How do I do this job right” but “What is the right job to do?”
Easy, constant communication spreads experience throughout the network, enabling everyone’s production to contribute to the learning.
Why can’t a machine do this?
Those who obey the logic of the net, and who understand that we are entering into a realm with new rules, will have a keen advantage in the new economy.
Additional Reading
Reflections in a Fun House Mirror Web Trends and Evolving Roles for Information Specialists, Searcher Magazine, February 1999.
The Internet as a Virtual Carnival makes for a fun and sometimes pertinent metaphor for a librarian’s new world. Are you a cheerleader or a superhero?
“As Anthony J. D’Angelo of The College Blue Book said, “Develop a passion for learning. If you do, you will never cease to grow.” Alvin Toffler said, “The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn.”web@warp – Bandwidth on Demand, PC World, March 1999. http://www.pcworld.com/current_issue/article/0,1212,9499,00.html
What’s ahead for 1999, Information Today, January 1999.
“Information Today has asked a group of information industry corporate leaders, consultants, pundits, and academics to briefly tell us—and you—just what their sense of our industry is, where they think it’s headed, and what it all might mean.” Make sure to scroll all the way through and read Northern Light’s David Seuss’ tongue-in-cheek Internet predictions.
Keeping Up with Technology Trends
- Law Library Resource Xchange
Be sure to check “On the Newsstand” for links to pertinent articles. - Webreference
http://www.webreference.com - C|Net News.com
http://www.news.com/?ctb.news - Jesse Berst’s AnchorDesk
http://www.zdnet.com/anchordesk/index.html - PC World Today