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Advertising & Marketing Division – John Chen
- Advertising World
- American Association of Advertising Agencies
- Advertising Age
- Adweek Online
- Cyberatlas
- Jupiter Communications
- Project 2000
- Smart Business Supersite
- Forrester Research
- American Demographics
- Webtrack
- Yahoo! – Business and Economy:Marketing
Business and Finance Division – Cathy Herbst
- NetPartner
Public and private companies worldwide. Essentially this tool searches .com addresses. Good for international companies. Try variations of a company’s name (IBM v. International Business Machines, Browning-Ferris v. Browning Ferris) or entering only a portion of a company’s name. Mutliple words are ANDed together. First company listed is not necessarily the HQ.
- CompaniesOnline
Dun & Bradstreet and Lycos partnership, with 17,000 U.S. companies. Records provide address, phone number, link to homepage and DUNS number. Good if all you want is DUNS number, parent company info. Also try variations on company name. Results listed alphabetically by company name regardless of location.
- Wall Street Research Net
- “Research A Company” link has entries for over 17,000 U.S. public companies as well as Canadian Companies (Exchanges: Toronto, Vancouver, Montreal, and Alberta). For each company :
- Company Links – homepage, SEC filings, Lycos search for additional internet links
- Graphs/Charts – stock pricing, time coverage varies
- NewsCenter – NewsSearch (newspapers,magazines, web sites – Excite), NewsAlert (wires), CompanyNews (Yahoo)
- Research, Reports & Summaries – note Barron’s Dossiers states for non-commercial use!
- QuickSearch – Pull reports based on a variety of criteria : price, yield, growth, common ratios, size, etc.
- Research the Economy – Economic releases calendar. Department of Commerce and Federal Reserve Banks links. US and international economic information links
- The Markets – Access to US and foreign markets as well as futures and options exchanges
- Business News – Links to the The Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Investors Business Daily, Bloomberg Online, CNN, and others. This area is also the gateway to online publications like Time and Fortune magazines.
- Research Publications – Economic and equity publications as well as trade associations and other groups.
- Mutual Funds – Similar to “Research A Company” section but for mutual funds
- Brokers and Services – Links to brokerage firms, trading and quote resources and other financial services.
- “Research A Company” link has entries for over 17,000 U.S. public companies as well as Canadian Companies (Exchanges: Toronto, Vancouver, Montreal, and Alberta). For each company :
- IPO Central
Hoovers, Inc site with information on company’s going public or that recently went public. Includes registrations, Hoover’s company capsules, IPO related EDGAR filings, aftermarket performance, information on IPO’s and the process. Search by company name, industry, underwriter, state, metro area. Browse alphabetically by company or chronologically.
- Newspage
Individual, Inc. site. Filters news from over 600 newswires, newspapers, newsletters and magazines, categorizing it into 2500 news topics. Can create and save searches as well as receive e-mail delivery of news. Good for company and industry tracking.
- American City Business Journals
U.S. metropolitan business newspapers, serving 35 major cities. Selected articles from the print publications beginning from mid 1996. Take advantage of Boolean (AND, OR, NOT, phrases in quotes) as Relevance Ranking doesn’t seem that good. Helpful for finding regional information.
- Bureau of Labor Statistics
Data on the broad field of labor economics and statistics. Unemployment rates, average hourly earnings, CPI and PPI for specific consumers and commodities, industry productivity information, labor/employment trends, etc.
- Data – Form-based applications which allow access to BLS timeseries data. Also link to gopher site for other data
- Economy at a Glance – quick look at the past 12 months – unemployment, CPI, PPI, productivity
- Keyword Search of BLS Web Pages – not a very good tool, or good information on how to use
- Surveys & Programs – Data is grouped according to Employment & Unemployment, Prices & Living Conditions, Compensation & Working Conditions, Productivity & Technology, Employment Projections, International Programs, and Other Surveys
- Publications & Research Papers – The Occupational Outlook handbook and a collection of research papers by BLS statisticians and behavioral scientists, and senior economists
- Regional Information – Information organized by the eight regions of BLS
- Other Statistical Sites – Links to other Principal Federal Statistical Agencies and International Statistical Agencies
- Olsen Exchange Rate site
Currency conversion for over 150 currencies plus gold and silver. Date coverage : January 1, 1990 to present, updated daily
- National Trade Data Bank
- Economic Bulletin Board – government-sponsored economic releases and business leads.
- Global Business Procurement Opportunities – international procurement marketplace for U.S. businesses, providing procurement opportunities from all over the world ranging from small purchases to multi-million dollar contracts covering most sectors of the U.S. economy. Search the Commerce Business Daily, Defense Logistics Agency Procurements and Trade Opportunity Leads
- Bureau of Economic Analysis Economic Information – BEA’s news releases, Survey of Current Business issues and articles in Acrobat format,and detailed data files from BEA’s national, regional, and international economic accounts. Included are the national income and product accounts (including GDP), personal income for States and local areas, the U.S. balance of payments.
- Megasites
Legal Division – Cindy Chick
Government Information
I probably use this site more often than any other. It’s a good starting point if you’re trying to locate a particular agency. The information is presented in several ways, including quick jumps and a search option. You can get where you want to go quickly, though you are forced to make an extra stop at the Locator page before getting right to the site you want.
I tried out this site with a search for information on Clinton’s Food Safety proposal and it guided me to sources of information at several different agencies. If you’re not sure which federal entity has the information you want, this is a good place to start.
A great site for finding what’s available for specific states, counties and cities.
For Federal legislative information. Built with data provided by GPO Access, this is, however, a better organized site for legislation.
Thomas may better for legislation, but GPO Access has other government information such as the Federal Register. Purdue University offers a slightly better interface to the GPO Access materials. The search results page at Purdue is much easier to read.
For finding legislation for specific states.
Court Opinions
Villanova wins again. This site gives you one-stop shopping to court opinions.
And Piper wins again. Piper not only lists free sources of case law on the Internet, but also includes, for each state, the available subscription services.
Finding Attorneys
- FindLaw: Lawyers and Law Firms – for a list of available directories.
- West’s Legal Directory (WLD) – broadest coverage.
- Martindale-Hubbell – the best-known legal directory.
Legal Division – Gayle O’Connor
Current Awareness
- Law Journal Extra’s Legal Headlines
Law Journal Extra has some great links to a number of legal current awareness products and newsletters such as Law Tech Product News, National Law Journal, Daily updates to decisions and newsworthy legal items
- The National Law Journal
National Law Journal maintains links to Columns, Corporate Brief News, Corporate Counsel Moves, Law Schools, Names Behind the News, Regional Reports, Sidebar, Verdicts & Settlements, Washington Brief, Decisions and Current Opinions, Editorial & Commentary, Letters to the Editor and Professional Announcements
- LLRX — Law Library Resource Xchange
Law Library Resource Exchange is a web newsletter with a focus on research, management and technology topics for the legal professional. These is no cost and the topics range from congressional activities, WWW sites, training resources and other issues affecting technology as it relates to the legal field. A great feature is the ability to get an update via email alerting you to when new material is added to the site. Edited by Sabrina I. Pacifici and Cindy Chick, the articles are written by law librarians, attorneys and information specialists.
Expert Witnesses
- NOCALL – Expert Witness Info on the Internet
Not pretty but very comprehensive, alpha arranged….best site to start your search
- ExpertWitness.com
Very good topically arranged site, however there are not a lot of exerts listed yet. This site has great potential…keep an eye on this one
- Legal Research Network
This link takes you to LERN, the On-Line service of the Legal Research Network. The mission of LERN is to network attorneys and expert witnesses in an on-line environment and use online technology to reduce the costs associated with locating the best expert for a case. As of 1/1/97, this site contained over 1,100 experts.
Products and Vendors
- FindLaw: Legal Software and Technology
This is a comprehensive site with a multitude of links to legal software and technology issues including products & vendors, resource centers & publications and mailing lists which could be helpful in your quest for that perfect product
- FindLaw: Legal Publishers
A very good site with links to almost every legal publishers homepage out there!
Newsletters and Journals
- AcqWeb
AcqWeb is a World Wide Web site providing links to information and resources of interest to librarians with acquisitions or collection development responsibilities. The scope is international. Sites linked to include, but are not limited to sources for verification of bibliographic information, E-mail addresses for library vendors and publishers of interest to librarians, Web home pages for library vendors and publishers of interest to librarians, associations and organizations of use to or for acquisitions and collection development librarians, electronic journals and newsletters of professional interest, archives for electronic conferences of professional interest, Web reference resources of use to acquisitions and collection development librarians, gateways to more topical Web sites of interest and links to search engines and subject classifications of the Web.
- Newsletter Access – Browse by Category: Legal
This is an alphabetical listing of over 487 legal specific newsletters with ordering information including pricing, address listings and specifics about the particular newsletter
- Hiero Gamos
Legal and law related journals including the ability to search the table of content of 750 law journals from January 1997 to present located at Tarlton.
- FindLaw: Legal Subject Index
This is a very complete one-stop shopping site for subject indexes of legal resources
Legal Forms
- FindLaw: Forms
The most comprehensive site on the Web for locating a legal form
- LegalDocs
Many documents are free at this site and all are interactive. Some of the forms included here are Law Forms, Contracts, Wills, Living Trust, Leases and Real Property Agreements
People and Business
- InfoSpace – The Ultimate Directory
InfoSpace has completely integrated white pages and yellow pages so that users can easily find people, businesses, government officials, toll-free numbers, fax numbers, e-mail addresses, in-depth business information, company web sites and local city information including weather, traffic, rental apartments together with maps and door-to-door directions.
- Switchboard Home Page
The Switchboard Internet directory continues to gain momentum as one of the Web’s most attractive sites, logging more than 5 million look-ups for people and businesses each week and more than 800,000 free searches daily. Switchboard has quickly become one of the Web’s most “connected” sites, with more than 15,000 sites linked to its URL. These links include corporate web sites, special interest groups, associations and regional ISPs. Switchboard is also one of the Internet’s hottest sites for people seeking information on businesses with more than 200,000 business look-ups per day.
- 555-1212.com
555-1212.com makes it incredibly easy to find telephone numbers, area code and country code information, e-mail addresses, and website locations. Because nearly all of the data for the dozen or so United States yellow pages telephone directories on the Internet comes from just three different information vendors, this site makes it possible to search the three different vendors’ data from one spot. They have done the same for the white pages and e-mail directories, too. The directory is organized by area code and business category just like the yellow pages we are all familiar with. The directory is sensible, direct and easy to use.
- People Finders
A teacher in Davenport, Iowa put together this comprehensive site which I found very easy to navigate. From the Australian white and yellow pages to the French Electronic phone book, you’ll find it all at this fantastic site. Please take a look…you’ll be glad you did
News Division – John Marcus
The Best
- The Christian Science Monitor – general news.
- Editor & Publisher Home Page – news about news
- NEWS.COM – industry-specific news source.
- Paracel Today – fee-based news source.
Honorable Mention
- Barron’s Online
- Business Week Online
- Christian Science Monitor
- The Economist
- Far Eastern Economic Review
- Fortune
- New York Times
- San Francisco Chronicle
- Pathfinder
- USA Today