How to Sign Up for Local Emergency Alerts Before Natural Disasters Strike

We know early warning systems save lives. Give yourself extra time when disasters come your way

Natural disasters have affected nearly 90 percent of U.S. counties since 2013, and while many households know about preparing emergency kits, a recent FEMA survey found a large drop in how many people are signed up to receive emergency alerts and warnings.

Early warning systems save lives during disasters. To ensure you can receive these warnings via your phone, text, or email, we recommend turning on your phone’s alerts and signing up for your local government’s emergency alert system

Turn On Your Phone’s Wireless Emergency Alerts

Wireless Emergency Alerts (WEAs) are one way authorities spread information to the community during an emergency. Most mobile phones are WEA-capable devices, and alerts are typically enabled by default. But if you’ve ever received an alert or test alert, there’s a chance you may have disabled them after hearing their signature alarm: an insistent and loud blare, accompanied by vibrations, that goes off on every phone in your vicinity. You can turn off some of the alerts you don’t want, while receiving the ones you do, so it’s worth checking your phone’s settings.

WEAs use cell towers to send notifications to all WEA-capable mobile phones within a specified target area, meaning you receive alerts for your current location, not your home address. WEAs may also occasionally reach some community members outside the target area, depending on the phones’ technology.

Here’s how to make sure your phone can receive WEAs.

Here’s Apple’s page on how to turn on emergency alerts.
WEAs use cell towers to send notifications to all WEA-capable mobile phones within a specified target area, meaning you receive alerts for your current location, not your home address. WEAs may also occasionally reach some community members outside the target area, depending on the phones’ technology.

Here’s how to make sure your phone can receive WEAs.

On iPhones

  1. Navigate to iPhone Settings.
  2. Select Notifications.
  3. Scroll to the bottom of the Notifications section to GOVERNMENT ALERTS.
  4. Next to Public Safety Alerts, toggle the button on (it turns green). These alerts convey “recommendations for saving lives and property.”
  5. Select Emergency Alerts.
  6. On the following screen, ensure that Emergency Alerts are toggled on.
  7. The Local Awareness option improves the timeliness and accuracy of emergency alerts in the United States, according to Apple. Toggle to enable or disable.

Here’s Apple’s page on how to turn on emergency alert.

On Androids

  1. Navigate to Android Settings.
  2. Scroll down and select Safety & emergency.
  3. Select Wireless emergency alerts at the bottom of the screen.
  4. On the following screen, ensure that Allow alerts is toggled on.
  5. Toggle Extreme threats and Severe threats to enable or disable alerts for threats to life and property.
  6. Toggle Public safety messages to enable or disable alerts with recommended actions to save lives or property.
Posted in: Disaster Planning