Features – Online Personal Information: Access vs. Excess

Online Personal Information: Access vs. Excess By Lynn Peterson

Lynn Peterson is president of PFC Information Services, Inc., a public records research firm located in Oakland, California. Lynn has been quoted on public records research in a variety of sources including The Wall Street Journal, Kiplinger’s Personal Finance Magazine, and The Information Broker’s Handbook. PFC Information Services provides public records research for law firms, corporations, lenders, venture capitalists, employers, the media, and other information research firms.

Subjects: Features, Privacy, Public Records

Features – Electronic Court Filing

Return to Library Electronic Court Filing By Bradley J. Hillis

Bradley J. Hillis holds MA and JD degrees from the University of Washington. He is the editor of the forthcoming, “Internet Experiments in Electronic Court Filing,” and is a representative of the courts to the Washington Digital Signature Implementation Task Force. His previous Internet law articles have appeared on the Web at Villanova Institute for Information Law and Policy.

Subjects: Courts & Technology, Electronic Court Filing, Features

Extras – The Law Library Downsizing Dilemma: One Librarians Perspective

The Law Library Downsizing Dilemma: One Librarians Perspective By Barbara Silbersack

Barbara Silbersack has been librarian for the Cincinnati office of Thompson, Hine and Flory since 1984. She received her Master’s in Library Science from Indiana University in 1991. Active for years in the Special Libraries Association (SLA), she was most recently Chair of the Legal Division. Barbara is also a frequent writer and speaker on various law library issues.

Subjects: Extras, Law Library Management

Features – Finding Information on the Federal Communications Commission Web Site

Finding Information on the Federal Communications Commission Web Site By Diana Botluk

Diana Botluk is a reference librarian at the Judge Kathryn J. DuFour Law Library at the Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C., and is the author of the 1996 edition of The Legal List: Research on the Internet. She is a regular columnist for the Internet Law Researcher, where she writes about finding information on the World Wide Web. She also teaches basic, advanced and online legal research at the University of Maryland, and co-chairs the Internet Focus Group for the Law Librarians’ Society of Washington, D.C.

Subjects: Features, Internet Resources